The Limited Times

"Most expensive beer garden summer of all time threatens" – customers angry: "Just usury"

5/13/2023, 4:39:15 PM

Highlights: The Berlin-Brandenburg Brewery Association expects the "most expensive beer garden summer of all time" A price beyond five euros for half a litre of draught beer is now "standard" in many places. The beer price of 7.50 euros per half litre, which was still considered "utopian" at the beginning of the year, has already been broken through in the first pubs. "This is no longer a justifiable price increase. That's just usury," one user exclaimed.

Prices are rising – and so are the beer gardens. After a warning from the brewery association, some people are angry.

Munich – The weather in Germany only plays along in places. But where it's not pouring out of buckets, the beer garden season is definitely open. In Munich, the first beer gardens had already opened in mid-March.

However, if you decide to take a detour, you should expect to have to dig deep into your pocket. A brewery association warned – and thus incurred the anger of some users on the social platform Facebook.

"Most expensive beer garden summer of all time threatens": Vice-head of the association with bitter outlook

The forecast does not necessarily brighten up the prospects for the summer. The Berlin-Brandenburg Brewery Association expects the "most expensive beer garden summer of all time". This statement was made by Vice-President Stefan Fritsche on Monday (8 May) to

Consumers are already paying "maximum prices, especially for draught beer in beer gardens, pubs and restaurants". Prices that no one would have thought possible just a few months ago have now "become established on a broad front on the market," Fritsche continued. A price beyond five euros for half a litre of draught beer is now "standard" in many places. The beer price of 7.50 euros per half litre, which was still considered "utopian" at the beginning of the year, has already been broken through in the first pubs.

Prices are also rising in the beer garden. The brewery association expects the "most expensive beer garden summer ever". © Tom Weller/dpa

Fritsche himself was "relieved" about the higher prices. He is the head of the Neuzelle monastery brewery in Brandenburg. Regional breweries in particular are dependent on it to cushion the sharp rise in costs for energy, raw materials and higher wages. He now sees "the chances that we can still preserve the colorful diversity of the German brewing tradition," said the association's vice president.

Beer garden summer with extreme prices? Customers angry – "That's just usury"

On the other hand, consumers are not at all pleased or even relieved by Fritsche's words. Many agree on the social media platform Facebook: they prefer to stay at home, barbecue in their own garden and enjoy a beer there. "Don't go," one user advised, "get a crate, invite friends and drink a beer at home. Tastes just as good." Another user allowed himself a joke and asked: "I take 0.4 liters - is it cheaper then?"

But not everyone responded with an alternative suggestion or humor. "This is no longer a justifiable price increase. That's just usury," one user exclaimed. Only one user doesn't seem to mind the prices. He would "like" to pay ten euros for the beer in the beer garden, he wrote – apparently seriously. In any case, the fact seems to be that with rising prices wherever the eye looks, one or the other could probably do without a visit to a beer garden at the moment.

In Munich, however, utopian prices could also be raised elsewhere. The Wiesn boss has already warned. Oktoberfest beer could become significantly more expensive in 2023. (mbr with AFP)

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