The Limited Times

"The Voice" on TF 1: "Hecatomb" for Amel Bent, Zazie emerges triumphant from cross battles

5/13/2023, 10:06:22 PM

Highlights: Facing two candidates, Vianney could not hold back his tears on Saturday night. Bigflo and Oli recorded three wins.. Teams halved in two weeks! This Saturday, the second week of cross battles of "The Voice", on TF 1, was once again bloody. With a simple rule: the public decides between them, the most popular qualifies, the other is eliminated. A strict rule, with a lot of pressure, but also emotion. A program mostly filled with old French songs, betting on the card of emotion.

Facing two candidates, Vianney could not hold back his tears on Saturday night. Bigflo and Oli recorded three wins.

Teams halved in two weeks! This Saturday, the second week of cross battles of "The Voice", on TF 1, was once again bloody. As seven days ago, the talents of the teams of Amel Bent, Vianney, Zazie and Bigflo and Oli competed. With a simple rule: the public decides between them, the most popular qualifies, the other is eliminated. Without any other form of trial. A strict rule, with a lot of pressure, but also emotion.

Vianney can attest to that. From the beginning of the evening, the artist split the armor after a superb cover of "Mon vieux", by Daniel Guichard, by Clem. An emotion noticed by Nikos Aliagas, who has never hidden being also touched by this song. Rebelote a few moments later when Kiona sings a very successful "Hymn to love" by Edith Piaf. "There's no shame!" the coach explained.

It must be said that everything came together to touch the heart with a program mostly filled with old French songs, betting on the card of emotion, with, pell-mell, Patrick Bruel, Hélène Segara, Pierre Bachelet, Daniel Balavoine, France Gall ... Not original for two cents, but still effective.

Promise kept for Bigflo and Oli

Nevertheless, for Vianney, the evening was once again mixed. Like last week, he saw two talents leave, but kept two others. Thus, Kiona and Lummen Nae will go to the "super cross battles", just like Jérémy Levif and Benaël.

The brothers Bigflo and Oli, who had lost three cross battles last week, had assured of their upcoming "revenge". A promise kept since this time they recorded three victories. Only Xavier Polycarpe did not manage to get his ticket for the sequel, unlike Nochka and his reinvented version of "A Happy Man" by William Sheller, Dame and Fanchon. They will find Hanna, qualified a week earlier.

" READ ALSO "The Voice": Bigflo and Oli already at home

On the side of Zazie, damn challenged by her opponents to the point of worrying to see them "empty (her) team", these cross battles were finally rather lenient. Out of eight talents, she managed to take five for the future. This week, both Clem and Marilyne Naaman succeeded in their cross battle, following in the footsteps of Aurélien, Robin, Prichia and Mea just before them.

"I've lost all my talents!"

On the other hand, Amel Bent had a bad night. Out of five battles on Saturday, the singer won only one. Not just any one, however, since with "L'Envie d'aimer", Micha obtained 81.7% of the vote, the record of the evening. "It's hard, it's the hecatomb there for me ..., was still moved the juror. I lost all my talents! Because in the quarterfinals, she could only keep the youngest of the competition, as well as Arslane and David Dax.

But nothing is played, since next Saturday will be held the "super cross battles". The principle remains the same: musical confrontations between candidates from different teams. Only change, this evening will be marked by the return of Mika, responsible like the public to vote. An additional voice with great importance since it will represent an important point in the votes. Enough to tip the battles, and potentially empty teams...