The Limited Times

Lotto: five colleagues from Antibes win the jackpot and share 2.3 million euros

5/13/2023, 9:06:54 PM

Highlights: Five employees had been playing a grid together. They were finally able to find the right numbers. After depositing their ticket da. They played 7-10-19-26-38 and Chance 8. Their lives changed on March 20. They had been implementing this "ritual" for three years. They will continue to play together. A total of 600 grids were winners in France. A story confirmed by the Française des jeux (FDJ). These five colleagues validated their winning ticket in Antibes in the Alpes-Maritimes.

For three years, these employees had been playing a grid together. They were finally able to find the right numbers. After depositing their ticket da

They played 7-10-19-26-38 and Chance 8. Their lives changed on March 20. Five colleagues who had ticked the right numbers on a lotto grid nearly two months ago won the jackpot and shared 2,333,334 euros unveils, this Saturday, the winning draw site. A story confirmed by the Française des jeux (FDJ).

These five colleagues validated their winning ticket in Antibes in the Alpes-Maritimes. They had been implementing this "ritual" for three years, explains the site. "With a jackpot stake of 7 million euros, several million grids were validated online on FDJ. fr as in the 30,000 FDJ points of sale, "it is specified.

But then how did the colleagues organize themselves to pocket 466,000 euros each? On each lotto ticket, there are five grids. They decide each time to play their favorite numbers and one of them is responsible for validating their ticket and especially to keep it preciously.

They will continue to play

On that day, it was the bar-tabac La Toscana at 18, boulevard Gustave chancel in Antibes that registered the ticket. When she discovers that they have won, the ticket manager rushes to their work site. "She arrived pale as a cloth and announces our gain of a few million. We didn't come back," says one of the winners. One of them then rushed very quickly to share this joy, while she was resting that day.

" READ ALSO Loto : a worker wins 17 million euros... by getting the wrong box

"We had to wait until the next day to tell our last colleague. We all locked ourselves in an office and told him the unbelievable. It was an immense joy! ", they say with emotion. They would then have placed the ticket of the jackpot in a safe while waiting to recover their due.

On that day, three grids were validated, dividing the overall jackpot. The other two winners were able to buy their winning tickets in La Valette-du-Var (Var) and Mions (Rhône). Here too, it was collective tickets that won, two families having validated the right numbers. They recovered their winnings at a party organized in April for this fifteen lucky families. A total of 600 grids were winners in France. "Unity is strength, of course, we continue to play together," they promised during their payment at FDJ.