The Limited Times

Zelensky in Germany, Scholz: "We support you as much as necessary"

5/14/2023, 1:36:32 PM

Highlights: It is the first visit to Germany since the beginning of the war by the Ukrainian leader. Zelenskiy reached Germany overnight by flying on a Berlin government plane escorted into German Luftwaffe fighter space. He is expected in the chancellery by Olaf Scholz, where he will also hold a meeting with the press, and in the afternoon in Aachen. Yesterday, the German government announced a new military aid package of 2.7 billion, doubling the resources deployed so far in support of Kiev.

It is the first visit to Germany since the beginning of the war by the Ukrainian leader. (ANSA)

"We support you for as long as necessary." This was stated by Olaf Scholz in Berlin, at a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

"Ukraine wants peace," "but you can't freeze the conflict," "Russia must first of all withdraw troops," Scholz added. "We support you for as long as necessary," the German leader stressed.

"We do not attack Russian territorial targets, but we liberate our territories," Zelensky said, responding to leaks leaked in the last month and spread by the Washington Post according to which the Ukrainian president had hypothesized to "conduct attacks in Russia". Zelensky said that the Ukrainians do not have weapons that can hit Russia.

Zelenskiy thanked Germany for its support by meeting President Frank-Walter Steinmeier today on his first visit to the country since Russia's invasion.

"At the most difficult time in Ukraine's modern history, Germany is proud to be our true friend and reliable ally. Together we will win and restore peace to Europe," Zelensky wrote in the guest book, as reported by the Guardian. Zelenskiy reached Germany overnight by flying on a Berlin government plane escorted into German Luftwaffe fighter space.

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Zelensky arrived at Bellevue Castle in Berlin, where he was greeted by President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, for a welcome greeting on his first visit to Germany since the beginning of the war. The arrival of the Ukrainian leader had been officially confirmed only yesterday and the landing from Italy took place in the middle of the night, in an armored capital. In the next few hours, Zelensky is expected in the chancellery by Olaf Scholz, where he will also hold a meeting with the press, and in the afternoon in Aachen, where he will receive the Karlspreis, dedicated this year to the Ukrainian people and their president. Yesterday, the German government announced a new military aid package of 2.7 billion, doubling the resources deployed so far in support of Kiev.