The Limited Times

Jorge Macri or Fernán Quirós: what do the polls that put the two Buenos Aires candidates of the PRO to compete in the PASO say

5/15/2023, 9:57:27 PM

Highlights: Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Patricia Bullrich promised to define the candidate of the Buenos Aires ruling party at the end of the month. Jorge Macri has been launched since last year and appears much more installed than Fernán Quirós in most surveys. The doctor began to run the race for the head of government later and only two weeks ago the Buenos Buenos Aires government began the operation to install him. While Macri surpasses Quirón in most polls that measure voting intention, his potential adversary takes advantage of him.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Patricia Bullrich promised to define the candidate of the Buenos Aires ruling party at the end of the month.

"There will be a single candidate for Head of Government of the City who represents the PRO. It will be defined by surveys that will be carried out in the coming days. By the end of May, according to the results, it will be decided who is the sole candidate. Both Jorge Macri and Fernán Quirós agree with this definition mechanism," reads the second section of the agreement sealed by Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta after a working breakfast in which they agreed on the rules of the game in City and Province.

Thus, as happened in Córdoba between Luis Juez and Rodrigo de Loredo, it will be a poll that defines which Buenos Aires candidate of the PRO will go toe-to-toe with Martín Lousteau in the internal of Together for Change. Or Macri, leveraged by Bullrich and his cousin Mauricio, or Quirós, whose pre-candidacy supports all the larretismo of the City.

A little more than a month after the closing of the lists, the scenario for the Minister of Government and the Minister of Health is shaping up with differences, in numbers but also in travel. Jorge Macri has been launched since last year and appears much more installed than Quirós in most surveys. However, the doctor began to run the race for the head of government later and only two weeks ago the Buenos Aires government began the operation to install him.

Thus, there is a duality. While Jorge Macri surpasses Quirós in most polls that measure voting intention, in which they reflect image levels, his potential adversary takes advantage of him. What will prevail in the survey that they agree on at the end of the year and how many will be the reports that will be taken into account seems decisive.

The latest numbers from Macri and Quirós

The newest survey that measures the potential players of the Buenos Aires election is the one published by Marketing and Statistics at the beginning of the month and is disseminated from the environment of hawks who support Jorge Macri.

In the PASO scenario that he proposes, the former mayor of Vicente López leads with 21% and Quirós closes with 7% of voting intention. In the middle, with 14% and 13%, respectively, are Ricardo López Murphy and Martín Lousteau. Adding up, it reaches 55% for the global Together for Change.

In terms of image, it is Quirós who makes a noticeable difference. with a 23% favorable balance between 46% positive and 23% negative that it achieves. Macri, on the other hand, rounds a negative of -5%, product of +34% and -39% that reflect their numbers.

Jorge Macri, pre-candidate for head of the Buenos Aires Government. Photo; Marcelo Carrroll.

The difference in favor of Jorge Macri is also reflected in the polls made by Circuits, Federico González and TresPuntoZero, all highlighted from the offices of jorgemacrismo. all placehim 15 points ahead of Quiros and also winning an election against Lousteau.

From the environment of Quirós they highlight especially a survey, which was known in recent months and that measures images of each candidate. It is that of Aresco, and in it, as in most of that style, Quirós takes a huge distance from Jorge Macri, highlighting especially his management in Health during the pandemic.

Quirós reaches 57.1% positive and is very close to the 60.9% that, eight years of management through, Rodríguez Larreta achieves. Jorge Macri climbs to 51.2%, far from both, but especially below if you take the average images: Quirós' differential is +36.9 points, while that of the Minister of Government reaches only 15.5 points in favor.

That same poll, from April, has them very similar to Jorge Macri and Quirós in voting intention. The Minister of Government reaches 15.5% and that of Health 13.1%. That survey shows him well ahead of Lousteau, with 20.3%, while it also includes María Eugenia Vidal, who achieves 13.7% but who dropped out of all candidacy ten days ago.

Fernán Quirós, leading an act in the belgrano larretista bunker. He had great support from almost the entire Buenos Aires cabinet.

In chirosism they give special relevance to that report, because it reveals, they say, that the potential votes of Jorge Macri is diluted if he reaches a hand in hand with Lousteau in the PASO. "Jorge has a ceiling," they say, and they consider that Quirós can fight the radical candidate much more the centrist voter, whom the cousin of the former president, they believe, does not reach. They also add up to themselves the majority of the votes that Vidal would have achieved. Although that exercise is also repeated in Macri's bunker in Núñez.

The focus on the decisive survey

Close to Quirós they assure that the focus, now, has to be placed on how the final survey is going to be developed, which defines the candidate, or if more than one report is going to be considered. "There are five weeks left in which Fernán will grow and confirm that he is the most competitive candidate," they say.

From the environment of Jorge Macri, meanwhile, they are convinced that he is the one who measures best at the Buenos Aires level, even above Lousteau. "The polls that the campaign teams of Jorge, Horacio and Patricia are handling today have Jorge far surpassing Quirós," they say. And they are emboldened, with a message to Larreta after the consensus he achieved with Bullrich. "Finally, Horacio ended up lowering his three candidates: Emmanuel Ferrario, Soledad Acuña and now Fernán," they snap at the head of government.

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New PRO summit: they agreed that there will be a single candidate in the City and competition for governor in the Province

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