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Monthly average of murders doubled: the numbers behind violence in the Arab sector - voila! news

5/15/2023, 7:36:52 PM

Highlights: A report published by the Knesset Research Center paints a disturbing picture regarding the authorities' handling of crime in Arab society. 72% of all those murdered since the beginning of the year are Arabs. At the same time, there has also been an increase in murders in Jewish society. Deputy Police Commissioner: "An effort is being made to access murder cases, regardless of the origin of the victim" The monthly average of murders has also soared in 2023, in Arab and Jewish society combined.

A report published by the Knesset Research Center paints a disturbing picture regarding the authorities' handling of crime in Arab society: 72% of all those murdered since the beginning of the year are Arabs. At the same time, there has also been an increase in murders in Jewish society. Deputy Police Commissioner: "An effort is being made to access murder cases, regardless of the origin of the victim"

Documentation of suspected murder in the village of Wadi Salameh in the Western Galilee (use under section 27A)

The Knesset Research and Information Center published a report on crime in Arab society in Israel on Monday, which paints a disturbing picture according to which in the past four months, there has been a significant spike in murders in Israel – 82 murders in which 86 victims were murdered. The picture is even darker in Arab society: of the 86 victims, 72% are Arabs, 22% are Jews, and about 6% are added.

The report paints a similar picture in an analysis of the years 2022-2018, in which 690 murders took place and 731 victims were murdered, 70% of whom were Arabs, 24% were Jews, and about 6% were others. The monthly average of murders has also soared in 2023, in Arab and Jewish society combined. While in Jewish society the monthly average of murders has risen by 65%, in Arab society it has almost doubled.

Osama Marwat, shot dead in Nazareth last Friday (Photo: documentation on social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law)

In Jewish society, too, there has been a significant increase in murders. Since the start of 2023, homicides have increased by 65%.

The report also reveals disturbing data regarding the law authorities' handling of the perpetrators of crime in Arab society. Between 2022 and 2018, in Arab society only 29% of murders resulted in indictments, compared to Jewish society where the ratio was 69%. Moreover, between 2021 and 2019, there was a decline in this ratio. So far in 2022, only 23% of homicides have resulted in an indictment.

Regarding the police's handling of crime generators in Arab society, according to the report, in 2022-2021, 571 cases were opened against targets declared by the police to be crime generators in Arab society. In 2022, there was a decline of about 6% in the number of files opened compared to 2021.

Muhammad Natur, who was shot dead earlier this month (Photo: documentation on social networks according to section 27A of the Copyright Law)

In a discussion held this morning in the Knesset National Security Committee on crime in Arab society, Deputy Police Commissioner Avshalom Peled claimed that "we are making every effort to educate police officers to approach murder cases, regardless of the origin of the victim." "We are short of 2,000 police officers. In recent months, we have faced complex challenges – whether it is terrorist incidents or incidents of maintaining ongoing public order."

During the discussion, MK Efrat Reitan (Labor) criticized National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who was absent from the discussion. She said: "He is failing and unfit for his job. He doesn't dare show his face now. What is happening here is total lawlessness."

Hamada Salem, who was shot dead in Acre earlier this month (Photo: courtesy of the family)

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MK Hamed Omar attacked the police's conduct, saying, "Your decryptions are just someone who went and killed and confessed to you. Your decryption percentage is zero. What is happening here, all the murders and all the protection money will not remain only in Arab society. What happens in um al-Fahm will happen in Ra'anana."

Recently, the Ministry of National Security, under Minister Ben-Gvir, decided to intensify the fight against rising crime in Arab society and changed the name of Operation Safe Track to Green Track. Another change in the ministry's decision is to focus more on the bloody conflicts in Arab society, alongside the continuation of ongoing activity in the fight against arms trafficking.The Abraham Initiatives organization, which monitors these figures, reported that 78 Arabs lost their lives in 2023 in circumstances related to violence and crime, including 72 civilians, and six non-civilian victims.

In the same period last year, there were 30 victims. It said 39 of the victims were under the age of 30, and 6 of them were women.

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  • News in Israel
  • Criminal & Legal News


  • Arabs
  • murder
  • police
  • Ministry of Public Security