The Limited Times

The very big ambitions of the virtual art gallery Your Art

5/15/2023, 3:07:55 PM

Highlights: Maurice Lévy, the former boss of Publicis, launched Monday Your Art, a digital platform dedicated to art with global ambitions. "Your Art wants to become the global art and tech platform of reference, with the largest number of artists, galleries, collectors and enthusiasts," he explained. The 81-year-old computer scientist by training combines two passions, art andtech. It is also a family adventure, launched with his son Stéphane, vice-president of Your Art.

The former boss of the Publicis agency and collector Maurice Levy intends to make his platform the leader of a sector that still questions.

Maurice Lévy, the former boss of Publicis, launched Monday Your Art, a digital platform dedicated to art with global ambitions, to exhibit and sell the works of amateur and professional artists. "Your Art wants to become the global art and tech platform of reference, with the largest number of artists, galleries, collectors and enthusiasts," he explained on France Inter. At 81 years old, this computer scientist by training combines two passions, art and tech. It is also a family adventure, launched with his son Stéphane, vice-president of Your Art. Maurice Lévy has already invested, "with family and friends", 9 million euros for a first fundraising. Other partners are present such as the Decaux family or Henry Kravis, the billionaire founder of the American fund KKR.

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«The largest gallery in the world»

Concretely, any artist can subscribe (10 to 30 euros per month) to exhibit his works in a tailor-made virtual space, ranging from a simple portfolio to a 3D virtual gallery. Your Art is aimed at both recognized artists and amateurs, without selection, a model reminiscent of YouTube. Artists and galleries can offer their works in high-end turnkey 3D decors, the site taking 5 to 10% commission. "I love art," says Maurice Lévy, collector of Soulages and Dubuffet and former president of the Palais de Tokyo in Paris.


Around 2008, I came across a study that struck me: it showed the incredible number of amateur artists - there are tens of millions who practice regularly - and their frustration at not being able to show their works. So I had the idea to offer them the largest gallery in the world, "says the advertiser to AFP. "We are creating a French platform here, with a European ambition in 2024, then a global one," he says. With already 22 employees, Your Art must be enriched with new functions, such as NFT and messaging to create "a social network of art". "The financial result will be the sanction of the project," admits the businessman. No public aid is provided, "to be able to operate freely". "For Publicis, I even refused Covid aid," he smiles.