The Limited Times

Burglaries are soaring in affluent neighborhoods near sensitive cities

5/16/2023, 6:38:04 PM

Highlights: The rate of housing burglary increases with the size of cities. In Paris, Nantes, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lyon, Grenoble, Marseille, Aix-en-Provence. Rural areas are more spared since, in 2022, "the 14,700 municipalities in which no burglary was recorded in 2022 are less populated (320 inhabitants in... You still have 84% to discover. Unprecedented statistical study dissects a plague that affects a home every two minutes.

ANALYSIS - An unprecedented statistical study dissects a plague that affects a home every two minutes.

The French are far from being equal when it comes to burglaries. Those who live in a house in a big city, with a high standard of living, not far from a national road and as the crow flies from a sensitive city, have every reason to make a blood of ink. This is in any case what reveals the scathing national study that the Ministerial Statistical Service of Internal Security (SSMSI) devotes to this phenomenon.

First observation, the thugs versed in home theft like the anonymity of large cities. "The rate of housing burglary increases with the size of cities, up to 8.2 per thousand in agglomerations of more than 700,000 inhabitants, in particular that of Paris, Nantes, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lyon, Grenoble, Marseille, Aix-en-Provence," notes the document. On the other hand, rural areas are more spared since, in 2022, "the 14,700 municipalities in which no burglary was recorded in 2022 are less populated (320 inhabitants in...

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