The Limited Times

Seven in a motorhome in the parking lot of an Intermarché de l'Oise: "Without it, we would be on the street"

5/16/2023, 5:48:25 PM

Highlights: Two weeks ago, the two parents and their five children had to leave the official housing they occupied in Villers-Saint-Paul. Between the motorhome, which serves as their home, and the red van, their mother knows they are safe. Through the windows of the vehicle, we can see the cat of the home, lounging on a duvet, eyes half closed. "There are a lot of people passing by during the day, I don't want him to get run over," says Kelly, the mother.

Two weeks ago, the two parents and their five children had to leave the official housing they occupied in Villers-Saint-Paul (O

That's it, school is over, the last three siblings take advantage of this end of Tuesday afternoon to gobble up a handful of chocolate cakes, while doing some acrobatics on the asphalt. Between the motorhome, which serves as their home, and the red van, which serves as a pantry and wardrobe, their mother knows they are safe: here, they are out of reach of cars. Through the windows of the vehicle, we can see the cat of the home, lounging on a duvet, eyes half closed. He can only go out in the evening, when the supermarket has closed its doors for good. "There are a lot of people passing by during the day, I don't want him to get run over," says Kelly, the mother.

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