The Limited Times

The government withdraws the amendment against high rents

5/16/2023, 10:57:46 AM

Highlights: It unlocked $660 million for student housing. The proposed amendment was presented to the dl P.a. Silvestri: 'No more rhetoric, we need the substance' (ANSA). The government withdrew the amendment that released $ 660 million forStudent housing. This was reported to ANSA by the president of the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Chamber, Nazario Pagano (Fi), who is examining the decree together with the labor commission. "The Meloni government has managed to do the unthinkable and collect another sensational fool," he said.

It unlocked $660 million for student housing. The proposed amendment was presented to the dl P.a. Silvestri: 'No more rhetoric, we need the substance' (ANSA)

The government withdrew the amendment that released $660 million for student housing. The proposed amendment had been submitted to the dl P.a. This was reported to ANSA by the president of the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Chamber, Nazario Pagano (Fi), who is examining the decree together with the labor commission.

"The Meloni government has managed to do the unthinkable and collect another sensational fool. After the bombastic announcements on the 660 million to be allocated to the expensive rents, a new U-turn has arrived and in committee the executive has withdrawn its amendment with which to give support to students forced to pay exorbitant costs for a bed. Among other things, to make everything even more ridiculous, there is that the Meloni government was a real bluff since those announced and then withdrawn, were not new resources, but those already provided for in the PNRR. Unfortunately, the government chooses to live only on rhetoric, but the country needs substance ". This was stated by Francesco Silvestri, leader of the M5S group in the Chamber.