The Limited Times

Three dead by a gas leak in a house in Almagro

5/16/2023, 8:57:31 PM

Highlights: Three people died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a gas leak in a house in Almagro, Buenos Aires. The discovery was made by the City Police, who received an alert call from a relative who could not communicate by phone with the occupants of the house. Before breaking into the house, they saw a woman vanished on the floor. Next to her, the body of a dog was found. All of them, a woman and two adult men, were dead from gas inhalation from a leak.

They did not answer calls from a relative. Upon entering, the police found the three occupants of the house vanished.

Three people died of carbon monoxide poisoning from a gas leak in a house in Almagro. The discovery was made by the City Police, who received an alert call from a relative who could not communicate by phone with the occupants of the house.

The man had been trying to talk to his relatives since Monday night. Worried about getting no response, he warned the policemen about the situation, who approached the house and discovered a tragic scene.

The personnel of the Neighborhood Police Station 5 B of the City of Buenos Aires arrived on Tuesday afternoon at the department, located in a PH on Belgrano Avenue at 4,100, between Treinta y Tres Orientales and José Mármol. In the place there was a strong smell of gas.

Before breaking into the house, they looked through the keyhole: they saw a woman vanished on the floor. Next to her, the body of a dog.

Three killed by a gas leak in a house in Almagro, Buenos Aires City

After requesting help from the SAME and the City Fire Department, the police observed two other people vanished in different environments of the house.

All of them, a woman and two adult men, were dead from gas inhalation from a leak.

The Special Emergency Brigade (BEE) of the City Fire Department also worked at the scene.

Three killed by a gas leak in a house in Almagro, Buenos Aires City

The official tips: what to do in the event of a gas leak?

In the event of a suspected gas leak, the National System for Integral Risk Management (SINAGIR) suggests first giving urgent notice to gas and/or emergency services. At the same time, doors and windows must be opened to ensure that air circulates quickly, in addition to checking that appliances are turned off.

In case there is a smell of gas, it could be considered a major leak scenario. In this case, precautions are redoubled: all people who are in the affected dwelling must be evacuated urgently, even without stopping to carry out the aforementioned checks.

"When evacuating do not use elements that can generate sparks, do not turn on or turn off lights and cut the power from the measurement pillar. Never do it from inside the home or building, as it can cause a spark and ignite the gas in the environment, "says that agency under the Ministry of Security.

SINAGIR recommends, finally, to return home only when the emergency services consider it appropriate and always call Civil Protection, Fire and Police.


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