The Limited Times

Alberto Fernández responded to Cristina Kirchner after the letter with criticism of the agreement with the IMF

5/17/2023, 5:59:36 PM

Highlights: The President presented his arguments and said that "you have to understand" the situation in the country. "Let's stop arguing among ourselves because the problem is with others," he said. Cristina Kirchner reiterated again that she will not be a candidate in the presidential elections in a long letter. In that same text she points out that both Alberto Fernández and Mauricio Macri do not have "electoral skills" due to the agreements with the International Monetary Fund, she says.

The President presented his arguments and said that "you have to understand" the situation in the country. "Let's stop arguing among ourselves because the problem is with others," he said.

Cristina Kirchner reiterated again that she will not be a candidate in the presidential elections in a long letter, but also in that same text she points out that both Alberto Fernández and Mauricio Macri do not have "electoral skills" due to the agreements with the International Monetary Fund. This Wednesday, the President came out to answer the criticism of his vice president.

"The story that followed is the same as always with the Fund in our country: it intervenes, takes the helm of the Argentine economy, imposes its economic program and the inflationary process is triggered again without control in Argentina. Chance is not a political category and, therefore, it is no coincidence that neither of the two presidents who accepted the IMF program retains electoral aptitude," Cristina Kirchner said in her resignation text.

And this Wednesday, Alberto Fernández, when inaugurating the opening ceremony of the expo "Banco Nación Conecta" in Tecnópolis, presented the arguments that, he says, led him to close the agreement with the IMF.

"You always have to remember that when you are in default with the Fund, what is immediately generated is the credit restriction of all the agencies eh... We must know that the World Bank does not lend us more money, that the IDB does not lend us more money, that CAF does not lend us more money and that, for example, a swap like the Chinese one would have fallen, we must understand all this," the President said on Wednesday.

And he continued with the defense of the agreement with the IMF: "You have to understand all this, to understand why one has the need to negotiate with the Fund. The discussion is how to negotiate, you can negotiate with the orthodox rules that the Fund always proposes or you can negotiate as we did."

On the other hand, he highlighted the figure of the Minister of Economy and pointed out that he negotiates like former Minister Martín Guzmán: "Today, Sergio is not negotiating like that. Today Sergio is negotiating with the same logic with which we negotiated on the first day. The reserve goals that the initial program proposed were changed because we demanded from Argentina to put an article that specifically said that if due to circumstances beyond the control of Argentine economic policy, the economy suffered a setback, we could review the goals without having to ask for a pardon, an apology, a waiver as some call it. "

Alberto Fernández and the Internal of the Frente de Todos

In turn, Alberto Fernández asked citizens to "make no mistake" when voting in this year's elections, warned that "those who claim to have the remedy are those who brought the disease and those who say they are the anti-system are the most who defend the system "and, in a message to the interior of the Frente de Todos, He asked: "Let's stop arguing among ourselves because the problem is with each other."

He also tried to put cold cloths to the internal of the Frente de Todos with a dart towards Macri: "I leave with the peace of mind that no brother of mine became a millionaire. I'm leaving with the same thing I arrived. Let's stop arguing with each other, the problem is not with us, it is with others."

News in development


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