The Limited Times

Cannes: Michael Douglas, itinerary of a surviving titan

5/17/2023, 6:07:46 PM

Highlights: The American actor gave an exciting master class in front of a stunned audience. At 78 years old, the son of the legendary Kirk Douglas still holds the line, even if his gait has slowed. Last year, Cannes awarded a palm of honor to Forest Whitaker. This year, Thierry Frémaux has chosen to honor the unforgettable Gordon Gekko of Wall Street, the financial shark that earned Douglas an Oscar in 1988. When, in the Lumière amphitheatre, the luminous Uma Thurman solemnly presented him with her Palme d'Or d'honneur, the public...

STORY - The American actor gave an exciting master class in front of a stunned audience. He knew how to seduce with his anecdotes, his humility, his sense of humor and his self-mockery. A true gentleman.

Just before the screening of the opening film of the festival, Jeanne DuBarry, in which Maïwenn stages King Louis XV, another king advances on the steps: Michael Douglas! On the red carpet in Cannes, he arrived in a tuxedo and bow tie, surrounded by his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and his daughter, Carys. At 78 years old, the son of the legendary Kirk Douglas still holds the line, even if his gait has slowed. It must be said that he had to overcome a terrible throat cancer, which he eventually triumphed. At the top of the steps, his wife and daughter look at him and have fun giving him a tender kiss in stereo. Last year, Cannes awarded a palm of honor to Forest Whitaker. This year, Thierry Frémaux has chosen to honor the unforgettable Gordon Gekko of Wall Street, the financial shark that earned Douglas an Oscar in 1988.

When, in the Lumière amphitheatre, the luminous Uma Thurman solemnly presented him with her Palme d'Or d'honneur, the public...

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