The Limited Times

Carlos Monti recounted his family drama and made all his teammates cry

5/17/2023, 6:48:08 PM

Highlights: The journalist from American Breakfast talked about his wife's illness and everyone on the floor was excited. In American Breakfast (America, at 10.30) there was a very emotional moment on the air, when Carlos Monti spoke about the state of health of his wife, Silvia Liceaga. The story began when, after talking about the dramatic situation that Silvina Luna lives due to a problem in her kidneys, Pamela David asked her partner: "You, Carlos, have you accompanied your wife for how many years?"

The journalist from American Breakfast talked about his wife's illness and everyone on the floor was excited.

In American Breakfast (America, at 10.30) there was a very emotional moment on the air, when Carlos Monti spoke about the state of health of his wife, Silvia Liceaga, who suffers from leukemia, and made all his colleagues cry.

The story began when, after talking about the dramatic situation that Silvina Luna lives due to a problem in her kidneys, Pamela David asked her partner: "Life also changes you accompanying someone, I encourage you to ask you: you, Carlos, have you accompanied your wife for how many years?"

"Six years ago, I didn't really like to talk about it because it's hard for me," Monti explained, visibly moved.

Carlos Monti and his wife, Silvia Liceaga. TV Capture

"She was transplanted with bone marrow because she had leukemia, simply and complexly it was because of that," the panelist of the America cycle began his story.

On the consequences of this procedure, he said: "When you have a transplant three things can happen: the first is that the body accepts it, the second is that it rejects it and the third is what is called 'graft versus host'. She had my brother-in-law's bone marrow transplanted, she did a study with her brothers and we were lucky that with him she gave 100% compatibility."

Regarding his wife's illness, he said: "At first the transplant worked well, the operation lasted an hour, first they swept her marrow, that chemo was the strongest because they leave the marrow at zero."

Carlos Monti spoke of his wife's illness. TV Capture

"40 days after the transplant he woke up the graft-versus-host thing, that means that my brother-in-law's marrow was not recognized in the body, so he attacked the organs, anyone, because it is not recognized," continued Pamela David's partner.

How Carlos Monti's wife is in health today

"That forces another treatment, another one, which unfortunately will be chronic, now he is in Fundaleu going three times a week to have photogenesis. At first it was four sessions a month, now they reduced it to three, plus a battery of daily pills, plus corticosteroids, "said the journalist about the state of Silvia Licega, before his colleagues who were visibly emotional and broken in tears.

Carlos Monti spoke of his wife's illness and all his colleagues broke down live. Capture TV.

On the consequences this had for his family, Monti said: "It changed his life, my wife is hospitalized at home. It changed everyone's life, we readapted to her life. She is a plastic artist and had to leave everything because the priority was her health."


My wife is resilient, fighter, lioness, we have gone through complicated moments, prolonged hospitalizations, always with a smile, but well we had this, all my family, my children, my in-laws, all pushing for the same side, "he revealed regarding the dramatic moment that he and his environment are going through.

"You have to keep making your life, working to help her. I've been sleeping with one eye open for six years. I'm so used to sleeping next to her that I hear how she breathes and I notice," he talked about what it's like to accompany a person in this hard process.

Carlos Monti spoke of his wife's illness. TV Capture

On his fears, Carlos was honest: "I'm afraid that something will happen to me because who is going to stay with her, my children are married, but good is what touched me and I face it."

Currently, the state of health of his wife rose: "Little by little it is beginning to improve, the values she has now are much better than the values of a while ago, everything that is hemotherapy, red blood cells, platelets, all her blood is better. "

Although he made a warning: "The doctor told me that they will try to reduce it as much as possible, but that it is chronic."


See also

Heartbreaking testimony of Silvina Luna, who is waiting for a transplant: "I am at a critical moment and I want to live"

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