The Limited Times

Degree of disability: which diseases are considered severe disability

5/17/2023, 3:24:27 AM

Highlights: According to the Federal Statistical Office, around 7.9 million severely disabled people live in Germany. Disabilities occur mainly in the elderly, according to Destatis. One third of all Germans who suffer from the following diseases are classified as severely disabled. People are considered severely disabled if the pension offices have awarded a so-called degree of disability (GdB) of at least 50. The application for severe disability is submitted to the pension office or the Office for Social Affairs. There is also financial relief for people who are impaired in seeing or hearing.

One in ten people in Germany cannot participate in life on an equal footing due to various illnesses. When you are considered severely disabled.

Hamburg – According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), around 7.9 million severely disabled people live in Germany. The number of severely disabled people is steadily increasing. Disabilities occur mainly in the elderly. According to Destatis, almost half of severely disabled people are between 55 and 75 years old.

According to the Social Security Code, persons are considered severely disabled if the pension offices have awarded a so-called degree of disability (GdB) of at least 50. People with a degree of disability of 30 are not yet considered severely disabled, but usually have to live with disabilities. Under certain conditions, these can be put on an equal footing with severely disabled people.

The application for severe disability is submitted to the pension office or the Office for Social Affairs. The GdB that those affected ultimately receive depends on the severity of the illness or disability. Here is an overview of which diseases are considered severe disabilities.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, almost half of the severely disabled people are between 55 and 75 years old (symbolic image) © Imago

Degree of disability: Chronic illnesses can also be classified as severe disability

According to the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, almost one in four people has a severe disability or is chronically ill. As the health insurance company Provita explains, a disease is considered chronic if those affected are dependent on medical treatment at least once a quarter or are permanently treated due to a particularly severe course.

Chronic diseases are, for example:

  • Diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Intestinal diseases such as ulcerative colitis
  • Hepatitis with severe inflammatory activity
  • HIV infection
  • Migraine
  • Epilepsy
  • Source: Libify, Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency

Many people understand disability to be a physical or mental disorder, such as the absence of limbs or paralysis. The recognition of a chronic illness as a disability goes back to a judgment of the European Court of Justice with case numbers C-335/11 and C-337/11, which is intended to protect those affected from possible discrimination.


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Degree of disability: These diseases are also considered severe disability

There are different forms of severe disability. According to Destatis, physical limitations account for about 60 percent, and a total of 14 percent of severely disabled people have mental or emotional disabilities. Rarely, disabilities have existed since birth or are genetically caused.

What many people don't know is that one third of all Germans who suffer from the following diseases are classified as severely disabled:

  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatism
  • Asthma
  • Depressions
  • Tinnitus
  • Severe acne

Dementia can also lead to severe disability, as the disease cannot be cured in almost 90 percent of cases. As Provita writes, the disease represents an "enormous physical, psychological, social and economic impact not only for those affected, but also for their family members".

Degree of disability: For which diseases you can apply for a disability card

The GdB is therefore not only awarded to physically disabled people, but also to people with mental or chronic illnesses. According to the Hesse administration portal, people who have been found to have a GdB of at least 50 can apply for the issuance of a severely disabled person's pass.

The severely disabled person's pass serves as proof of recognition of the severe disability and indicates special health restrictions. Those affected can thus claim special rights and compensation for disadvantages. As the social association VdK informs, for example, people with a severely disabled person's ID card are subject to special regulations on protection against dismissal. According to the German Pension Insurance, the retirement age also changes with a severe disability. There is also financial relief for broadcasting fees for people who are impaired in seeing or hearing.

The disability card is issued for a limited period of five years or an unlimited period, depending on the chance of improving the state of health. If you want to apply for a GdB, you should talk to your attending physician in advance. The latter can make an assessment and is also involved in the classification of the GdB later. (Vivian Werg)

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