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Euro 2024: DFB boss calls for more support from politicians

5/17/2023, 4:47:25 AM

Highlights: Bernd Neuendorf: Federal government and states "misjudge the opportunity" of the home European Championship in 2024. DFB President would like to see significantly more support from politicians for next year's home European Championships. NeUendorf has been at the helm of the association since 2022, calling on political donors. 13.2 million euros have been earmarked for this major sporting event, according to the 61-year-old, but this is "minimally" manageable.

In the summer of 2024, the eyes of football fans will be on the European Championship in Germany. But according to DFB President Bernd Neuendorf, there is still a lot to do.

Frankfurt – Planning for the 2024 European Championships in Germany is already in full swing. DFB President Bernd Neuendorf sees the tournament, which the German national team opens in Munich on June 14 next year, as a great opportunity for the country. However, he is now sounding the alarm. Neuendorf is hoping for significantly more support from politicians on the way to a successful home European Championship next year – not only organizationally, but also financially.

European Football Championship 2024
Duration:14 June to 14 July 2024
Participating nations:24
Venues:Berlin, Dortmund, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen, Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich, Stuttgart

DFB boss Neuendorf: Federal government and states "misjudge the opportunity" of the home European Championship in 2024

"Compared to the 2006 World Cup, I don't think what's happened so far is enough," said the 61-year-old, referring to the World Cup 17 years ago, which remained in the hearts of many fans as a "summer fairy tale". "The federal government, but also the states, misjudge to a certain extent the opportunity that comes with the tournament," Neuendorf said in an interview with the Sports Information Service (SID).

The expectations of the DFB and UEFA raised in the wake of the European Championships in their own country are high. "But I believe that politicians also have the task of focusing even more on the tournament by planning exciting events and taking initiatives," said Neuendorf, who recently reprimanded his deputy Hermann Winkler for his remarks about Ukrainian President Zelensky. It is "not so often that you have such a tournament in your own country". There is hardly a better opportunity "to advertise our country and its advantages", Neuendorf would like to see more funding.

Would like to see significantly more support from politicians for next year's home European Championship: DFB President Bernd Neuendorf. © Imago / Revierfoto / Panthermedia

"It's manageable": DFB President Neuendorf calls for more money for home European Championship in 2024

The DFB boss also sees room for improvement financially. In the budget for cultural and media policy, "13.2 million euros have been earmarked for this major sporting event," Neuendorf said: "To put it mildly, this is manageable. We have various projects in the pipeline that we would like to implement, but that also requires support," said the 61-year-old, who has been at the helm of the association since 2022, calling on political donors. Most recently, Neuendorf himself described an imminent "equal pay" of the DFB women as "problematic".

Millions of people will be in the country during the tournament from June 14 to July 14 next year, billions more on the screens, Neuendorf emphasized. "We are a great business location, we are a culturally rich, tolerant, diverse and democratic country. That should also be reflected at the European Championships." In doing so, he sees "the responsibility not only with the football associations". (SID/wuc)

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