The Limited Times

Goldknopf threatens: We will not support the budget without passing an additional budget for Avrachim and yeshivas - voila! news

5/17/2023, 8:17:47 PM

Highlights: The Israeli government has agreed to transfer NIS 217 million to the Haredi community. The money will be used for education, health care and social services. The decision was made after a meeting of the Israeli Knesset, which is made up of members of the Likud party. The Likut party is the largest in Israel, followed by the Tel Aviv-Beit Shemesh party, both of which are in the Knesseset. The Haredim are the largest community of young people in the country, with more than 100,000.

The chairman of Agudat Israel convened a meeting with the members of the list, where he repeated the statement that the coalition agreements promised a retroactive budget increase for haredi institutions. This is about NIS 217 million for exempt institutions and NIS 400 million for yeshiva students and yeshiva students

A protest march against the transfer of state funds to ultra-Orthodox society from the Ayalon Mall to Bnei Brak. (Yotam Ronen, Michel Braunstein)

Agudat Israel Knesset members convened this evening for a meeting at the home of party chairman Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf, at the end of which it was decided to insist on the retroactive addition of the Avrachim, yeshivas and exemption institutions. Goldknopf reiterated the statement that "this was promised to us in the coalition agreements," and at the meeting it was clarified that "we will not support the budget without fulfilling the agreement in full."

As reported in Walla!, this is NIS 217 million for Haredi exemption institutions, some of which do not teach 100% core studies, and another NIS 400 million for yeshiva students and Avrachim.

Will not support the budget? Goldknopf (Photo: Image processing, Reuven Castro)

Goodknopf on Monday expressed his demand to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to receive about half a billion shekels for ultra-Orthodox education, Goldknopf said, as part of what his party was promised in the coalition agreement they signed with the Likud. In other words, Goldknopf's demand to receive these funds is in addition to the coalition funds estimated at a total of NIS 13.6 billion.

Goldknopf demanded to receive some of the funds in question already in the current school year, and another part retroactively. The demand of the chairman of Torah Judaism is that NIS 217 million be transferred to ultra-Orthodox exemption institutions, some of which do not teach 400% core studies, and another NIS <> million to be transferred retroactively to yeshiva students and Avrachim.

Sources in Torah Judaism addressed the issue and told Walla!: "There are no new demands here, everything is in the coalition agreements. We only insist that what was promised be given and fulfilled."

  • news
  • Political-Political


  • Agudat Israel
  • budget
  • Haredim
  • Itzhak Goldknopf