The Limited Times

Hervé Lehman: "The Nicolas Sarkozy affair reflects a disastrous image of justice"

5/17/2023, 5:59:58 PM

Highlights: The former investigating judge, lawyer at the Paris Bar*, recalls the way in which the case that led to the sentencing by the Paris Court of Appeal of Nicolas Sarkozy, on May 17, to three years in prison, including one year firm. It all started with the implementation of the "corruption pact" It is telephone conversations without follow-up that are sanctioned. It clearly has an eliminatory character, from a political point of view, of a former president that some magistrates, especially those close to...

TRIBUNE - The former investigating judge, lawyer at the Paris Bar*, recalls the way in which the case that led to the sentencing by the Paris Court of Appeal of Nicolas Sarkozy, on May 17, to three years in prison, including one year firm. It all started with the implementation of...

The conviction by the Paris Court of Appeal of Nicolas Sarkozy in the "Bismuth" case is exceptionally severe: three years in prison, including one year (to be executed under an electronic bracelet), and three years of deprivation of civil rights. The Advocate General Gilbert Azibert, sentenced to the same sentence, did not intervene with the magistrates of the Court of Cassation in the case of the diaries of the former President of the Republic, and Nicolas Sarkozy did not intervene with the Prince of Monaco to push the candidacy of this magistrate for a post on the Rock.

It is telephone conversations without follow-up that are sanctioned: this is legally possible because the "corruption pact" can be retained even if it is not followed by active behavior, but the seriousness of the sentence then appears difficult to understand. It clearly has an eliminatory character, from a political point of view, of a former president that some magistrates, especially those close to...

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