The Limited Times

Is the compromise compatible with French political culture?

5/17/2023, 6:17:34 PM

Highlights: Is the France incapable of accessing the art of compromise? This is what many elected representatives and commentators argue. But is it not reductive to condemn France to this incapacity, forcing us to look with envy at our German neighbour, a fan of coalitions? Perhaps this is quickly forgetting a certain political tradition now buried. A tradition based on negotiation and even, dare we say, consensus. This must go back to the Third Republic and its constitutional laws of 1875, the fruit of an agreement between the constitutional monarchy and the Republic. During these six decades, "parliamentary effectiveness...

ANALYSIS - If some target a problem of state of mind among elected officials, the divisions we know are perhaps to be found in the relative majority of the head of state in the Assembly.

Is the France incapable of accessing the art of compromise? This is what many elected representatives and commentators argue, summing up, one year after the general elections and the knife of the relative majority, the situation in one assertion: compromise is simply not in the culture. But is it not reductive to condemn France to this incapacity, forcing us to look with envy at our German neighbour, a fan of coalitions? Perhaps this is quickly forgetting a certain political tradition now buried. A tradition based on negotiation and even, dare we say, consensus.

This must go back to the Third Republic and its constitutional laws of 1875, the fruit of an agreement between the constitutional monarchy and the Republic. The head of state then has reduced powers and both chambers enjoy wide latitude. Designed to be only temporary, the regime finally spread over sixty-five years. During these six decades, "parliamentary effectiveness...

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