The Limited Times

Jimena Monteverde explained a recipe and... A cockroach walked among the vegetables!

5/17/2023, 6:47:46 PM

Highlights: The cook Jimena Monteverde lived a bad moment in her program, Escuela de cocina (El Nueve, Monday to Friday at 17:30 p.m.) A cockroach appeared in one of the dishes she was cooking on her show, cooking magazine, which debuted a few days ago. The moment went somewhat unnoticed during its broadcast, only some followers of the program came to visualize the cockroach. Rodrigo Lussich analyzed the scene and joked: "A bug appeared to them, how did they not see it? And walk the cuca!"

The host of 'Escuela de cocina' lived a bad time on air.

The cook Jimena Monteverde lived a bad moment in her program, Escuela de cocina (El Nueve, Monday to Friday at 17:30 p.m.).

A cockroach appeared in one of the dishes she was cooking on her show, cooking magazine, which debuted a few days ago.

In the air, while Jimena Monteverde prepared a roast meat with vegetables, the insect appeared.

A cockroach on a plate of Jimena Monteverde? Capture TV.

When lifting the meat to put salt on it, the cook saw the cockroach walking among the vegetables, so she immediately put the meat back in place.

The moment went somewhat unnoticed during its broadcast, only some followers of the program came to visualize the cockroach.

Jimena Monteverde in her program, Cooking School. Capture TV.

But in Socios del espectáculo (El Trece), Rodrigo Lussich analyzed the scene and joked: "A bug appeared to them, how did they not see it? And walk the cuca!"

And then Lussich said that from the program they edited that part to upload the program to the networks.

Days ago, in dialogue with Clarín, Jimena spoke enthusiastically of her return to El Nueve: "It's like my house, I haven't seen them for 17 years and it's the same technique that saw me born, so I swear I feel at home, plus all the good vibes of the channel, God willing it works, That people see us and have a good time, because everything is set to make it so."

The day an insect appeared in an empanada in "La Peña de Morfi"

Years ago, a somewhat similar situation was experienced in La Peña de Morfi (Telefe). While chef Santiago Giorgini taught the secrets of "the perfect ham and cheese pie" an insect came out of the interior of one of them. And the video was quickly replicated on social media.


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