The Limited Times

Lille: the Catholic university affected by a major fire

5/17/2023, 5:27:45 PM

Highlights: The fire broke out in the afternoon in an empty building of the Catholic University of Lille. 46 firefighters were mobilized, four fire hoses were deployed and fifteen machines were on site. The students were quickly evacuated and no injuries were reported. The roof of the building was severely damaged by the flames. The origin of the fire is currently unknown. The building in flames is located rue Nobert Segard. It was empty when the fire started and was under construction when it was started.

The fire broke out in the afternoon in an empty building of the Catholic University of Lille. No injuries were reported.

According to the firefighters of the North, a large fire broke out this Wednesday at 14:30 p.m. in a building under construction of the Catholic University of Lille.

A thick cloud of smoke spread through the Vauban district. The building in flames is located rue Nobert Segard. It was empty when the fire started.

Location of the fire Google Maps screenshot.

In order to prevent the fire from spreading throughout the campus, 46 firefighters were mobilized, four fire hoses were deployed and fifteen machines were on site. Traffic on Boulevard Vauban, one of the largest in the city, was interrupted to let the emergency services operate. Around 15 p.m., reinforcements arrived on site to control the flames that were beginning to spread on the roof.

The students were quickly evacuated and no injuries were reported. The roof of the building was severely damaged by the flames. The origin of the fire is currently unknown.