The Limited Times

PSG-Kiel: Kristopans above the fray, Sagosen behind

5/17/2023, 9:17:59 PM

Highlights: Kristopans-Prandil duo in great form against the sadness of Kiel. Sander Sagosen not at the same level on this quarter-final return. Jannick Green left only crumbs to the Kiel players who often broke their teeth in front of him. Kiel were never able to turn the tide knowing they never led the score. The state of mind was not up to par and the players showed no burst of pride likely to turn around a situation badly embarked.

TOPS/FLOPS - PSG was able to count on a Kristopans-Prandil duo in great form against the sadness of Kiel illustrated by Sander Sagosen. Discover the Tops/Flops of PSG-Kiel (32-29).


Kristopans the control tower

The Latvian made a thunderous start to the match by scoring 5 goals in the first half. He was the one who carried PSG on his broad shoulders to send his team into the last four, despite his two temporary exclusions during the first act. He finished with 6 goals (top scorer of the game) at 100% success and showed total and continuous power, which martyred the defense in front of him.

Elohim Prandi in distribution

The French international delivered a high-level performance in addition to having delivered many caviars to his partners. First scorer on a powerful shot (5th), he then understood that salvation would come from his partners against a defense that was consumed a lot on him. That's why he finished with 2 goals and a very satisfactory copy.

Jannick Green, the Danish wall

The PSG goalkeeper left only crumbs to the Kiel players who often broke their teeth in front of him, bringing the opponent's effectiveness to 62% (against 68% for PSG). The last rampart made 11 parries, he who had managed 12 in the first leg. In handball, you do not win without a great goalkeeper and well PSG can nourish ambitions in this competition with a goalkeeper who has shown more than at the level on the double confrontation.


Sander Sagosen

Very present in the first leg, the Norwegian was not at the same level on this quarter-final return. He didn't weigh in on the game when his team needed it. Offensively he tried very little despite his efficiency (4 goals), while he often found himself overwhelmed in defense against the power of Kristopans who made a recital in front of him. In need of rage like his third goal (44th) where he could have shouted all his rage to take his partners in a crazy comeback. Instead, he quietly repositioned himself without saying anything, proof of the Parisian superiority in the state of mind.

Kiel lacking teeth

One thing is certain, this Kiel is no longer the big club that reigned over Europe not long ago. Four-time winners of the competition (2007, 2010, 2012 and 2020), the Germans were inferior to the Parisians during these two confrontations. But this Wednesday night during the quarter-final return, we did not recognize a team fighting for its survival in the premier competition. With a 4-goal deficit before kick-off, Kiel were never able to turn the tide knowing they never led the score. The state of mind was not up to par and the players showed no burst of pride likely to turn around a situation badly embarked.