The Limited Times

Degree of disability from 50 - Which diseases can be considered severe disability

5/19/2023, 2:58:20 AM

Highlights: A disability can be congenital or caused by an accident, but also by a chronic disease. Depending on the degree of disability, one is considered severely disabled in Germany. Around 2022 million people in Germany were living with a disability in 10, 7.8 million of whom were even consideredsevere disabled. The degree of disabled is determined by a medical expert and depends on the limitations that the disabled person has in everyday life. If you have a disability with a classification in a different code, you can apply for a degree of care separately.

Depending on the degree of disability, one is considered severely disabled in Germany. This includes more diseases than many believe.

Frankfurt – There are different forms of severe disabilities. A disability can be congenital or caused by an accident, but also by a chronic disease. Many people do not know that people who suffer from certain diseases, such as cancer or migraines, can be classified as severely disabled in Germany. For this purpose, a degree of disability (GdB) of at least 50 must be determined.

Degree of disability (GdB for short)quantifies the severity of the disability
GdB is staggered in increments of tencan range from 20 to 100
Severe disabilityfrom GdB of 50

What is a severe disability and how is the degree of disability (GdB) determined?

According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), around 2022 million people in Germany were living with a disability in 10, 7.8 million of whom were even considered severely disabled. According to § 2 of the Social Security Code (SGB), a disability is defined in such a way that the person concerned suffers either from physical, mental or mental limitations or from sensory impairments.

The severely disabled person's pass records the marks, the degree of disability and the expiry date. From a degree of disability of 50, people are considered severely disabled. © Becker&Bredel/imago

The degree of disability is determined by a medical expert and depends on the limitations that the disabled person has in everyday life. According to the VDK social association, the degree of disability can range from 20 to 100 and is staggered in increments of ten. From a degree of 50, the person concerned is considered severely disabled, with a degree of disability of 30, equality can be applied for. In this case, a severely disabled person's ID card with the respective marks can be applied for at the responsible pension office, as the processing time for a severely disabled person's pass can take a long time.

These diseases are considered severe disability

The word "severe disability" conjures up images of wheelchairs and nursing beds in many people's minds. In fact, there are numerous other diseases that are considered severe disabilities that are not so obvious.

According to the VDK, these diseases can be considered severe disability:

  • Cancers
  • Strokes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Rheumatism
  • Asthma
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Depressions
  • Tinnitus
  • severe acne
  • painful back pain

Other diseases, if they occur chronically or restrict people in their everyday lives, can also be recognized as severe disabilities. This also applies, a service and emergency call portal for safety and care, for example to the following diseases:


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  • Sleep apnea syndrome (GdB 50)
  • arterial occlusive diseases (GdB 50 to 100)
  • the absence or failure of a kidney (GdB 60 to 80)
  • Varicose veins (GdB 50 to 70)
  • Diaphragmatic hernias (GdB 50 to 100)
  • Impairments of lung function (GdB 50 to 100)
  • Loss of body parts (GdB 50 to 80)
  • various skin diseases (GdB 50 to 100)
  • Joint stiffening (GdB 80 to 100)
  • heavy bleeding (GdB 50 to 80)
  • Epilepsy (GdB 60 to 80)
  • severe migraine (GdB 50 to 60)
  • Articulation disorders (GdB 50)
  • a cleft palate with breathing and hearing difficulties (GdB 100)
  • Schizophrenia (GdB 50 to 70)
  • Neuroses (GdB 50 to 70)

Depending on the severity of these diseases, they can be recognized as severe disabilities.

Degree of disability and degree of care: what is the difference?

If there is a disability with classification in a degree of disability, it often makes sense to apply for a degree of care. In many cases, this is even necessary because the disability restricts the person so that he needs help in everyday life. However, since the basis for the severely disabled person's pass and the degree of care are regulated by different codes, the degree of care must be applied for separately.

This can be done informally with your own health and long-term care insurance company, which then commissions an expert opinion. If you already have a severe disability, you can usually easily get the appropriate level of care between 1 or 5 and can therefore take advantage of other benefits such as care allowance or other support.

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