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Lose weight with hula hoop: 30-day plan shapes the figure and lets us lose kilos

5/19/2023, 10:58:24 AM

Highlights: 30 Day Hula Hoop Challenge: Here's how to do it with hula hoop training. Hula hoop costs little and can be used anywhere. Hips, buttocks, shoulders and legs are also mobilized and strengthened. You can lose up to four kilos in a healthy way - if you also focus on a balanced diet, reduce stimulants such as sweets and alcohol and also use the bike or the car instead of the car or elevator. The following exercises will help you train the abdomen and waist for ten minutes a day.

Would you like to feel completely comfortable in your swimsuit this year? Then hula hoop training might be just the thing for you. In 30 days, the silhouette will be defined and the kilos will fall.

If you want to lose a few kilos, you have many options. Countless diets promise quick weight loss success. However, it is rarely fun here, because crash diets such as the military diet usually require strict discipline. But there are also relaxed ways to the desired body. Thus, hula hoop training can lead to success without much effort. A four-week plan should also help those who don't like sports to shape their figure.

The advantages are obvious to the proponents of hula hoop training: circling the ring around the hips is said to be much more fun than the sweaty jog, the hula hoop costs little and can be used anywhere. Many specimens can be plugged together. So you can take it with you wherever you go.

Even more effective with weight

You can see them on Instagram, TikTok & Co: influencers who swing their hips – with weight. These special hula hoops such as the hoopie (promotional link) are considered to be particularly effective. Another plus: Such models cannot fall off and are therefore even great for beginners.

Interested in the 30-day hula hoop plan? Find out how to do it here.

Lose weight thanks to hula hoop training: a 4-week plan

With hula hoop training to a flat stomach? This can work. © Imago

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The small movements you make during hula hoop training have it all. It's not just the abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles that are growing. Hips, buttocks, shoulders and legs are also mobilized and strengthened.

During the 30-day hula hoop challenge, you can lose up to four kilos in a healthy way - if you also focus on a balanced diet, reduce stimulants such as sweets and alcohol and also use the bike or the stairs more often instead of the car or elevator.


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30 Day Hula Hoop Challenge: Here's how to do it

  • Week 1: Incorporate a 10-minute hula hoop session once a day. In the morning after getting up, in the evening in front of the TV or during your lunch break: You are flexible in terms of time. You can either just let the fitness equipment circle around your hips without incorporating any other exercises. If that's too monotonous for you, you can also incorporate lunges or boxing movements into your training for even more training effect. Instructions can be found on YouTube:
  • Week 2: In week two, the training plan reaches its peak in terms of intensity. The hula hoop is circled for 20 minutes a day – either without or with lunges or other exercises, depending on your taste (see above in the YouTube video).
  • Week 3: Arms, shoulders and upper back can be trained easily and effectively with the help of special hula hoop exercises. Week three is also more relaxed: only five minutes a day are invested in getting the arms in shape. The following exercises will help:
  • Week 4: In the last week, the abdomen and waist are trained for ten minutes a day. For this purpose, the hula hoop is used, but is also put aside for a short time. Which exercises train the abdomen particularly well is shown by countless YouTube videos. You can find inspiration here:

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