The Limited Times

A bridge for squirrels

5/20/2023, 4:09:51 PM

Highlights: A rope has been stretched across Gautinger Straße in Krailling near the Bergerweiher. The six-centimeter-thick special rope is intended to enable squirrels to cross the busy state road safely. On the other side of the street, the "Kraillinger Oachkatzlbruggn" is attached to a wooden pole donated by Bayernwerk AG. In order for the cute animals with the ear brushes to get to know their new way over the bridge, building yard employees attached bird feeders to the tree trunk and mast.

Installation of the squirrel bridge: A six-centimeter-thick rope was stretched across Gautinger Straße with the help of the Kraillinger fire brigade. © Municipality of Krailling

For some time now, a rope has been stretched across Gautinger Straße in Krailling near the Bergerweiher, at a height of ten meters, barely perceptible from below. Now the municipality has explained what it is all about: The six-centimeter-thick special rope is intended to enable squirrels to cross the busy state road safely.

Krailling - On the side of the pond, the Krailling fire brigade has attached the rope to a tree. On the other side of the street, the "Kraillinger Oachkatzlbruggn" is attached to a wooden pole donated by Bayernwerk AG. In order for the cute animals with the ear brushes to get to know their new way over the protective bridge, building yard employees attached bird feeders to the tree trunk and mast. "Since December, the employees have been accustoming the squirrels to the life-saving crossing aid," says Sebastian Beel, head of the building authority. In the meantime, one or the other animal has already been observed balancing over the rope, Beel continues.

The animals are particularly endangered in autumn and winter. Due to the eager gathering of food in autumn and wild chases in the mating zeal from January onwards, road traffic often does not receive sufficient attention from the squirrels. In order to give the animals from the eastern part of Krailling a safe way to the old trees around the Bergerweiher, the municipality built the first "Oachkatzlbruggn" in southern Bavaria.

It was precisely this location, Beel explains, that was chosen because the trees around the lake offer themselves as a natural habitat and both sides of the road are conveniently owned by the municipality. According to Mayor Rudolph Haux, they are currently considering installing wildlife cameras to show the Kraillingers live images of the little aerial acrobats on the municipality's website. The unusual construct is insured and approved by all authorities. In order to educate passers-by, the Kraillingen artist Tscho Zintl has attached an explanatory board to the wooden pole.

Carolin Högel

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