The Limited Times

MeaxPrichia ("The Voice"): "Our journey was crazy without being obvious"

5/20/2023, 8:18:35 PM

Highlights: Prichia, 26, a Parisian beatboxer from Portugal, and Mea, 25, a dancer who lived between Aix en Provence and Lyon, met during the battles of this twelfth season of "The Voice" Initially opponents in a duel created by Zazie, the two satellite artists decided to form one in order to continue the musical adventure together. On Saturday, the duo was beaten by Kiona. A difficult step that only confirmed their common energy. The rest is still written but announces that the best is yet to come.

INTERVIEW - The duo that was created during the Battles finally bowed this Saturday at the gates of the live. The versatile artists take stock together of their adventure, synonymous with encounter.

"Soulmates who knew each other in another life and who find each other". Prichia, 26, a Parisian beatboxer from Portugal, and Mea, 25, a dancer who lived between Aix en Provence and Lyon, met during the battles of this twelfth season of "The Voice". Initially opponents in a duel created by Zazie, the two satellite artists decided to form one in order to continue the musical adventure together. You have to believe that it was written. From the beginning, their complementarity is reflected in their artist names: Mea means sweetness, Prichia, the earthly warrior. Aliases that make sense when the phrase that best characterizes their fusion is "feet on the ground and head in the stars".

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Other coincidences leave you speechless, from their versatile approach to music to the relatively late but innate artistic learning of dance and beatbox on YouTube... During a meeting with Prichia in Paris, with Mea online in parallel from Lyon, it is difficult to believe that this Yin and this Yang respond without having consulted each other. Their opinions are spontaneously fusional and complementary. This confusing chemistry pushed them to the Super Cross Battles stage. On Saturday, the duo was beaten by Kiona. A difficult step that only confirmed their common energy. "The Voice" is just the beginning, "the gift" of their meeting. The rest is still written but announces that the best is yet to come.

" READ ALSO "It is very rare to see such an alchemy between two talents": Méa and Prischia join forces in "The Voice"

LE FIGARO. - How did you experience this stage of the Super Cross Battles?
Prichia: We really wanted to create something different, simpler and airy. Previously, we had shown a show girls side but we are also versatile artists with singing and authenticity. At this stage of the competition, we were aware that this was a big risk. During the rehearsals until the big day we were very stressed and then once on stage we let go.

Mea.– There was a lot of ambivalence. It was an honor to sing a Zazie song at the gates of the semi-final. It resonated with us because it told very well the story of this duo and its sequel. At the time of the rehearsals, we did not have 100% confidence in ourselves but we were able to count on the help and support of our coach. The rest was liberating.

Why did you choose this title The best enemies of Zazie in duet with Pascal Obispo?
M. – It was Pascal Guix, artistic director of the program, who suggested this title. He could see our duet and timbres on it while allowing space for dance, one of our signature characteristics.

P. – We had other ideas, but it wasn't easy. With this help from the production, we realized that the title was well anchored in our history.

Do you regret having privileged this facet for Super Cross Battles?
M. – Yes and no. I do not regret in the sense that we felt the importance of showing this facet. We liked the title right away and it was beautiful to perform it on "The Voice". On the other hand, we have not been able to exploit our specificity of being multidisciplinary. Faced with great singers with big voices, we did not know how to be explosive and show everything we knew how to do. Maybe we should have sent more to get to the semi-final and save that sweetness for later.

P. – I don't think we should have been "explosive". The sweetness was welcome but we did not manage to dose it. Our duo is very new, inevitably we make mistakes. For this Super Cross Battles, we were not there. It wasn't the right song at the right time. In our history, it is strong but on D-Day, the voting public does not know us.

What was your reaction when you came face to face with Kiona?
P. – When I knew it was her, I laughed, I stressed, I went through all the phases because I had an intuition. Before the show, Kiona was wearing makeup next to us and I indirectly addressed her and explained that we had to enjoy on stage. When she went live in front of us, I felt that she had found what I advocated by savoring the moment. I'm not surprised that Vianney chose him to face us. The biggest weapon to disempower us is authenticity. We defended the same thing but with Mea, we still discovered each other. Kiona taught us a great lesson in purity. We were happy to be against her.

M.– I fully share this view. Without having had the same intuition, I had the hunch that our adventure would end at this stage.

What do you remember from Zazie's words at the end of your visit?
M. – Zazie confided to Mika that one day in his career, his dream was to form a duo and that it had just happened this season. We did not have to give up, that we go to the end of this binomial full of potential. His words touched me.

"Kiona's victory wasn't really a surprise"

Prichia talks about their Super Cross Battle against Kiona

And those of Mika, great coach that night?
M. – Mika didn't know our whole story. He had to be taken into account, so his words were a bit difficult but correct.

P. - He was tough but fair. Mika acknowledged that our proposal was original but that it was all fresh and that we had to keep working while saying that Kiona had "crushed" us (laughs). At least his opinion was objective and he was able to tell us everything that was wrong.

How did you react to your defeat?
M. – I was super happy for Kiona. But when we came off set, we let go of everything, the stress of the day and adventure in general. Our journey was crazy without being obvious. Inevitably, we felt a lot of pride but also disappointment. The live ones made you want!

P. – Just because we lost does not mean we are defeatist. Kiona's victory wasn't exactly a surprise but finishing in this place, so close to the directs, is still disappointing. We would have loved to perform in front of an audience that knew our history. If Mea quickly mourned, mine is still ongoing. Our beautiful story at "The Voice" is over but this is just the beginning. It is in defeat that we learn the most.

Why did you sign up for "The Voice" this season?
M- I did not register. It was Charles, one of the castors of "The Voice" who had spotted me on Instagram before inviting me to audition in Paris directly.

P. – We had the same cast! He told me that Bruno Berberes wanted to audition me. I was very surprised because I had just started singing lessons. But my teacher told me:
"With you, we don't do things by halves. Either you go there to discover your voice, or you wait until you have a more mature voice and cross your fingers that you will be called back next year." I went.

Why did you choose Zazie individually as your coach?
P. - Since I became a beatboxer, I've struggled not to be locked into a box. When I started singing, I was called less for beatbox and vice versa. "The Voice" was the perfect place to homogenize my hybrid style and I found that in Zazie. Even if she is in a completely different style with a lot of experience, she lingers on a search for coherence in a whole, which is very strong. She told me that I had come with my own box that was mine and if the others did not understand, too bad for them. I understood at that moment that Zazie would be my coach.

M. – From the start, I hoped to have Zazie as a coach, that's why I chose one of her flagship titles. I find myself in his sensitivity, his gentleness. Compared to my musical universe, it is the one that could bring me and teach me the most. I couldn't have dreamed of better as a coach.

Are you still in touch with your coach?
P. – Yes, we are still a good link with Zazie. We sent her a message after our elimination and she responded by thanking us. Something strong and natural was created during "The Voice". She will remain our mentor and a bit our mom.

What is your assessment of this adventure?
P. – "The Voice" is really worth it and it is above all a powerful accelerator. You have to go there knowing what you want and understand that there is a lot to learn and work to do. I not only learned about the artistic but also about myself. I am also happy with the meetings, my journey and that of our duo. What a gift!

M.– "The Voice", represents the dream of the singing competition, of the first experience on television. I come out grown, enriched, and nourished. Everything is a learning experience. My meeting with Prichia remains the greatest gift. The rest is in our hands.

How do you look at each other?
M. – Prichia is an earthling, she is power and fire. It's funny, on stage she is dreamy but in everyday life she is much more thoughtful. We are very complementary because on my side, I can be very head in the air.

P. – Mea is hyperactive, dreamy, sweet and airy but above all she has a kind of controlled madness that has always made me sick (laughs). Let's say I have my feet on the ground and she has her head in the stars.

How did you experience the media coverage around your duo and the allegations of a couple?
P. – I don't mind being thought of as a couple because it's about the fantasy of TV. What I hear behind these comments is fusion, friendship and our artistic bond so I welcome it with a lot of love but without much importance. Our duet with Mea doesn't stop at "The Voice". We see each other all the time, we phone each other and we work like crazy on our different projects. This kind of chemistry is very rare but we are here first and foremost for the music.

M.– I totally agree. I see my relationship with Prichia as soulmates who knew each other from another life. For the future, we want to show that we can be artists appreciated for what we will offer and not for our intimate life.

"Our meeting also allowed us to merge our teams"

Mea talks about their future as a duo

What are your plans for the future?
M. – We are creating a show with a very precise artistic direction on gaming, virtual reality and the metaverse. We want to create visual effects on stage around beatbox, dance. With three musicians to accompany us, the goal is to take the audience to another dimension.

P.- The virtual serves to leave the real world with its norms and limits that are, in themselves, illusory. We just risk not being understood but later, being innovative. This show will take a long time to create so in parallel, we will produce a more acoustic and accessible formula to start meeting our audience.

How do you work in tandem with distance?
P.- We work by calls or through a common drive. You don't always have to be together to work. We are also lucky to be able to count on a great team.

M.– Our agents are really our pillars. Our meeting also allowed us to merge our teams and it's great. We are very close-knit. As with Zazie, we really feel this triangle identity to progress in our projects.

What about your solo careers?
P. – Each one continues her personal projects. Our duo is above all a collaboration, a timeless feature. The duo works because we are two strong identities that must continue to be developed. Our solos will carry the duet and vice versa. Today, we organize ourselves for both our solo career and the duo. Regarding my solo career, two musicians have joined my set and they bring a real added value to the universe that I want to present to the public. We are working on a project together that should delight guitar and drum fans. Beatbox still has a place in my passions and career. We won our France runner-up title with my OHLALA group. While waiting for the release of the readaptation of my EP "Second souffle", my single "Rêve d'un baiser" will be released soon. It evokes my soft and teasing face sometimes more hidden. I will be playing my show solo and in a group next June.

M.– For my part, I am currently on tour in France and abroad with the company Diptyque for a street show called Déconstruction. We will be in Paris on June 2nd. On the music side, I released my EP called sixth sense and three out of five clips were released. I am also about to perform on stage with Jean-Pierre Caporossi who accompanied me during my blind audition. We are multiplying the work but we have found a balance. When one is busy, the other works for the duo and vice versa. We manage to give each other strength and support. None of us will give up his solo projects but I really want to push this duo because I believe very strongly.