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The 4-year-old boy who choked on a grape on Thursday in Beersheba died in the hospital - Walla! news

5/20/2023, 8:48:58 PM

Highlights: On Thursday, the boy was evacuated in critical condition to Soroka Hospital, anesthetized and on a ventilator, and transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. "When the child arrived, we continued CPR and removed the grape from the trachea," said Dr. Ran Hazan, a physician at the Children's Medical Center. "CPR continued until a pulse returned," he added. The boy died Saturday evening in hospital. He had choked on a grape at a supermarket in Beersheba.

On Thursday, the boy was evacuated in critical condition to Soroka Hospital, anesthetized and on a ventilator, and transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. He was pronounced dead tonight

How is Heimlich performed? Guide (Walla System)

The boy who choked on a grape on Thursday at a supermarket in Beersheba died Saturday evening in hospital. The boy was evacuated to Soroka Hospital in serious condition, anesthetized and on a ventilator, and transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for further treatment. "When the child arrived, we continued CPR and removed the grape from the trachea," said Dr. Ran Hazan, a physician at the Children's Medical Center. "CPR continued until a pulse returned."

Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Soroka defined the child's condition upon arrival at the hospital as serious. He was anesthetized and ventilated and transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for further treatment. "When the child arrived, we continued CPR and removed the grape from the trachea," said Dr. Ran Hazan, a physician at the Children's Medical Center. "CPR continued until a pulse returned."

MDA paramedic Najem Zaid said: "When we entered the supermarket, we saw the boy lying unconscious, without a pulse and without breathing while basic CPR was being performed. We were told that he ate grape and began to gasp. We immediately began advanced medical treatment and performed CPR, including medication and ventilation, and evacuated him to the hospital while continuing CPR while his condition was critical."

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