The Limited Times

Gaujugendtag in Uffing: A day of celebration straight out of a Bavarian picture book

5/21/2023, 4:58:38 PM

Highlights: The 57th Gaujugendtag of the Oberländer Trachtenvereinigung took place in Uffing on Sunday. 2000 participants from 31 clubs marched past many onlookers in traditional costume. Music groups and drumming processions played, decorated horses pulled festive floats and the elaborately embroidered flags of the clubs shone with the brightly polished wind instruments. This marked the end of the Uffingen Festival, after five exciting days, and peace returns to the village.

The horses pulling the float of the Oberländer Trachtenvereinigung are spruced up. © Constanze Wilz

Locals and guests experienced Upper Bavarian customs from their most beautiful side on Sunday at the 57th Gaujugendtag of the Oberländer Trachtenvereinigung in Uffing. 2000 participants from 31 clubs marched past many onlookers in traditional costume.

Uffing – Blue and white as the sky, the flags of the flagged streets in Uffing shone. There, on Sunday, the 57th Gaujugendtag of the Oberländer Trachtenvereinigung took place in fantastic weather. In addition, music groups and drumming processions played, decorated horses pulled festive floats and the elaborately embroidered flags of the clubs shone with the brightly polished wind instruments.

A total of 31 clubs from three districts took part in the traditional event. According to Gaupressewart Hans Jais, around 2000 participants marched through the village. And all this under the gaze of "a few thousand" spectators, as the Eschenloher estimates. He is more than satisfied with the course of events, could not have imagined a more beautiful Gaujugendtag: "Everything went smoothly, the organization was excellent," he praised.

Pretty boys and girls: Around 2000 participants ensure full streets on Sunday afternoon in Uffing. © Constanze Wilz

Gaujugentag in Uffing: smartly dressed boys and girls leave a visible impression

He was particularly impressed by the broad youth of the clubs. The smartly dressed boys and girls marched with the seriousness of the grown-ups. This also made a visible impression on the audience: one spectator loudly applauded all the children and young people and complimented them. "You're great!" she exclaimed. A Seehauser, on the other hand, praised the customs that are maintained by such parades. But not only locals marveled at the train, day visitors also curiously mingled with the crowd and bought festival badges. Among them was Nadine Hartmann from Dresden. "I've never seen anything like this before – it's really impressive," she said.

Pulled out mobile phones and digital cameras: viewers discover numerous motifs that are worth immortalizing. © Constanze Wilz

Uffing's mayor Andreas Weiß (non-party), who shared a carriage with District Administrator Anton Speer and Pastor Thomas Renftle, liked the lively participation. The guests of honor were visibly in a good mood and waved to the crowd. At the end of the procession, which lasted about an hour, everyone went to the marquee. The evening ended musically. This marked the end of the Uffingen Festival. As of today, after five exciting days, peace returns to the village. CONSTANZE WILZ

Carriage with guests of honour: Pastor Thomas Renftle, District Administrator Anton Speer and Uffing's Mayor Andreas Weiß (right). © Constanze WilzThese musicians march in the joint procession of the GTEV Murnau and the Eglfing band. © Constanze Wilz