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Scary: Flying to Thailand soon? You Must Beware of It | Israel Hayom

5/21/2023, 11:18:34 AM

Highlights: According to reports in the island nation, a drink called "happy water" has recently become particularly popular there. The reason for the warning: it is a mixture of drugs in a drink that partygoers consume in the country, and can even cause death. As in every season, these days there are many Israelis who are currently spending time in Thailand, who will be joined in the coming months by many tourists who will come straight from Israel. The drink can cause severe effects and, in some cases, even death – so avoid it.

According to reports in the island nation, a drink called "happy water" has recently become particularly popular there • The reason for the warning: it is a mixture of drugs in a drink that partygoers consume in the country, and can even cause death

As in every season, these days there are many Israelis who are currently spending time in Thailand, who will be joined in the coming months by many tourists who will come straight from Israel.

Thailand is one of the safest, most enjoyable and tourist-friendly countries, but there too it is important to pay attention to unusual phenomena, especially after a severe warning was issued in the country in recent days against what is known there as "happy water". In fact, it is a dangerous cocktail that has become popular in the country's nightlife.

The drink may be life-threatening (illustrative)

According to the publication on The Thaiger's website, it is a mixture of drugs in a drink, consumed by many partygoers and nightlife in Thailand, many of them in the most visited areas there, frequented, among others, by many Israelis. According to the country's health authorities, the drink can cause severe effects and, in some cases, even death – so avoid consuming it.

Thai media also reported that drug traffickers offer the powder that mixes into the drink in nightclubs, and that there are cases where drinks are simply passed where the drug has already been mixed, so authorities have recommended not consuming any drinks from an unknown person and paying attention to the drinks you consume.

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