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Mandelblit: "The criminal investigation into the Meron disaster must be renewed" | Israel Hayom

5/23/2023, 1:39:19 PM

Highlights: Former Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit testified Tuesday before the State Committee to Investigate the Meron disaster. He said he believes the police and the Police Investigation Department should reinvestigate the disaster after the committee finishes its work. One of the main recommendations written in the interim report is to conduct a safety survey that also takes into account recent changes made in the field. "It is necessary to conduct an up-to-date safety survey immediately," the interim committee ruled. If there is a legal impediment to this, the place of danger must be carefully fenced off.

The former attorney general was cross-examined by the State Commission of Inquiry into the Meron disaster and claimed that "the investigation did not cease but was suspended."

Former Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit testified Tuesday before the State Committee to Investigate the Meron disaster, saying that he believes the police and the Police Investigation Department should reinvestigate the disaster after the committee finishes its work.

"After the conclusions of the Meron Commission of Inquiry are published, the Attorney General must renew the criminal investigation into those involved in the disaster," Mandelblit noted. "The investigation has not stopped, but has been suspended. We decided to give priority to the commission of inquiry because a criminal investigation would severely harm the commission's work. After she finishes her work, the criminal investigation must be resumed. I'm no longer from the system, so they're the ones who will have to make the decision."

One of the main recommendations written in the interim report is to conduct a safety survey that also takes into account recent changes made in the field. "It is necessary to conduct an up-to-date safety survey immediately, which also takes into account the recent changes made in the field. All hazards and hazardous installations in the mountain area must be removed and removed. If there is a legal impediment to this, the place of danger must be carefully fenced off and access to it prevented," they ruled.

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