The Limited Times

Elections 2023, LIVE: 'CFK arms unnatural formulas', the criticism of an opposition leader for the photo of Wado of Pedro and Massa together

5/26/2023, 5:50:00 PM

Highlights: Electoral assembly, launches, cross-statements and polls, in a live coverage. The Frente de Todos, Juntos por el Cambio, leftist and liberal spaces define their candidacies for the 2023 elections. I followed the minute-by-minute coverage on the way to the PASO and the October general elections. The Minister of Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis, warned that "the PRO and Milei" won the Frentes.

Electoral assembly, launches, cross-statements and polls, in a live coverage.

The Frente de Todos, Juntos por el Cambio, leftist and liberal spaces define their candidacies for the 2023 elections and face crossed declarations. I followed the minute-by-minute coverage on the way to the PASO and the October general elections.

LIVENews in Development

26.05.2023 14:29


Radical leader Lito Mugnolo dies: the memory of his UCR peers

26.05.2023 14:58


Parrilli's endorsement of Pedro's "wado" candidacy

26.05.2023 13:22


Gustavo Beron

They seek to stop the promotion to judge of a former adviser to Axel Kicillof: they denounce that his appointment is illegal

Kirchnerism does not take a break and at this end of the cycle of Alberto Fernández added another package of lists to fill judicial vacancies, which still does not have parliamentary status in the Senate but already generates controversy and political tension.

These are 18 sheets that were sent on May 10 and that are expected to be convened to a session immediately so that they can be treated in the Agreements Commission, chaired by the camporista Anabel Fernández Sagasti and where the ruling party has the majority to issue an opinion. Read more here.

26.05.2023 12:50


Katopodis: "The PRO and Milei caught some anger and won us the listening"

The Minister of Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis, warned that "the PRO and Milei" won the Frente de Todos by listening to the people's claim and capturing their anger.

"The PRO and Milei captured some anger and won us the listening," said the official, and with a view to defining the official candidates, he claimed "to build agreements and consensus to know who are the best men and what is the best tool with which Peronism is closing ranks."

26.05.2023 12:37


Ritondo pointed against Kirchnerism for flooding in the suburbs after the storm

26.05.2023 12:19


Daniel Scioli challenges Cristina Kirchner: "If she decides not to do a STEP, I'm going the same"

After being the only presidential candidate of the Frente de Todos who was not at the event for the 20th anniversary of the assumption of Néstor Kirchner in the Plaza de Mayo, the ambassador to Brazil Daniel Scioli said that he will compete "equally" in the PASO although Vice President Cristina Kirchner decides to impose a single candidate in the Frente de Todos.

When asked during an interview with TN if he will present himself as a presidential candidate in case the former president decides that the ruling party should present a single list, he said: "Yes, I am going the same, because I am convinced." Read more here.

26.05.2023 12:05


A minister of Kicillof assures that "Wado itches in tip but we have to wait for the decision of Cristina"

Axel Kicillof with Buenos Aires Labor Minister Walter Correa. Photo: Mauricio Nievas.

The Minister of Labor of Buenos Aires, Walter Correa, said Friday that the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo 'Wado' de Pedro "itches in tip" among the possible pre-candidates of the Frente de Todos for this year's elections, but clarified that "we must wait for the decision" of Cristina Kirchner.

"If one takes the concept of participatory democracy, and one sees and listens we can say that Wado this week stung in tip because he has met with several union sectors, he was with my colleagues from the CTA and he already has that predisposition to be (the candidate)," Correa said in a radio interview with AM750.

26.05.2023 11:52


Ignacio Ortelli

With the endorsement of Cristina Kirchner, La Cámpora plays hard for its own candidate: "Wado de Pedro is coming"

Posters of Wado de Pedro with Cristina Kirchner appeared in the City and the Buenos Aires Conurbano.

On stage, Cristina Kirchner surrounded herself with leaders who sound like possible presidential candidates but postponed definitions and made sure that no gesture of hers could be interpreted as a concrete signal. After having urged that "the children of the decimated generation" take the post, the vice president was careful not to generate noise in other sectors of the coalition, particularly in the Renewal Front, but on Thursday night suggestive posters circulated with her face and that of Eduardo de Pedro, with the legend "Wado is coming."

The sticker, as Clarín learned, began at the end of the speech given by Cristina and while from some sectors they read her presence with Sergio Massa as the staging of a formula in which the interior minister could be the pre-candidate for vice president. Read more here.

26.05.2023 11:43


Jasmine Bullorini

Deputies: the ruling party tries a last consensus session before the campaign starts

Germán Martínez with Mario Negri in Congress. Photo Juano Tesone

"We have to meet," agree the deputies of both the Frente de Todos and the opposition. However, they have not achieved it for more than a month and the tensions of the election year do not collaborate. The objective of meeting the body next Wednesday has already been ruled out, but the ruling party will insist on negotiating a final consensus session for the first weeks of June, before the closing of the lists.

The talks between the two majority blocs are oiled, however guaranteeing the presence of legislators is not so easy. Many are already campaigning in their provinces, or in the previous step of negotiations and closing lists. Read more here.

26.05.2023 11:36


Patricia Bullrich received the support of mayors, deputies and radical leaders of Córdoba

26.05.2023 11:22


Juliana di Tullio calls for "a single consensus candidate" in the Frente de Todos

Di Tullio is a national senator for Frente de Todos. Photo Federico Lopez Claro

Senator K again differentiated herself from the leaders of the Frente de Todos who ask to define the candidate in the PASO and demanded to make it a "consensus."

"I think there has to be a single consensus candidate, build it and represent us all," Di Tullio said in an interview with Futurock.

26.05.2023 11:05


Toty Flores confirmed that he will be a candidate for mayor of La Matanza for Together for Change

Toty Flores during the event in Laferrere.

Social leader Hector "Toty" Flores confirmed that he will be a pre-candidate for mayor of La Matanza for Together for Change.

The former national deputy and current councilor in that Buenos Aires district already had the support of the Civic Coalition and in the last hours added that of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

"Toty es el que mejor conoce las necesidades de la gente y tiene el mejor equipo para transformar La Matanza. Con sus valores y honestidad es la esperanza para los matanceros", dijo Rodríguez Larreta, quien participó de un locro en la cooperativa La Juanita de Gregorio de Laferrere.

26.05.2023 10:45


Parrili backed a candidacy of Wado de Pedro: "I think it is very good that he has left"

Oscar Parrilli in the Senate. Photo Federico Lopez Claro

The national senator of the Frente de Todos Oscar Parrilli supported a candidacy of Interior Minister Eduardo "Wado" de Pedro, in the face of this year's election and stressed that the national official "has demonstrated capacity in management."

"Wado is an excellent colleague, a political cadre, he has shown capacity in management. Without a doubt he is a possible candidate and I think it is very good that he has left, "said Parrilli.

In a dialogue with FM La Patriada, the national senator stressed: "When the ball starts rolling, when they start talking about the political proposals, if any comrade felt that his illusion was not fulfilled by the candidacy, I think that will quickly be channeled in the proposal, the program and in the candidates who assume that proposal."

26.05.2023 10:16


"CFK arms unnatural formulas", Negri's criticism of Wado's photo of Pedro and Massa together

26.05.2023 09:44


The irony of Fernando Iglesias to Wado de Pedro for the video in which he slips that he will take "the post"

26.05.2023 09:33


Rossi wants to avoid "forcing situations" for a unity list: "We are closer to a PASO"

The Chief of Staff, Agustín Rossi. Photo: Maxi Failla.

"There will be a list or several, but I don't agree with forcing situations. In 2019 the unit was given later. If that happens, there will be a candidate, and if not, there will be a PASO," Cabinet Chief Agustín Rossi said in an interview with Futurock.

He continued: "What I see today, 30 days before the closing of the lists, is that we are closer to a PASO than a consensus list. I prepare for the PASO. If something else happens later... nor is it STEP or death. I try to be respectful of the electoral process."

The national official said: "If in these 30 days the internal dynamics of the Frente de Todos end up synthesizing in a single list ... Well, there will be only one list. If that's not the case, there will be two, three or four lists."

In this context, the cabinet chief warned that he "disagrees" with the fact that "attempts are made to force situations," referring to the pressure that exists from a sector of the ruling party for the space to have a single presidential candidate.

"In 2019 the unity was given after the formula. If a formula or a candidacy appears that generates an event similar to that which was experienced, there will be a single candidate, and if there will be no STEP, "he said.

26.05.2023 09:13


"The Homeland is in danger", Mario Negri's warning

26.05.2023 08:49


Pope Francis has named the bishop of Río Gallegos, Jorge Ignacio García Cuerva, as the new archbishop of Buenos Aires.

Pope Francis on Friday named Jorge Ignacio García Cuerva, bishop of Río Gallegos and with a past as a slum priest, as the new archbishop of the archdiocese of Buenos Aires to replace Mario Aurelio Poli, who has already turned 75 and will change functions.

The official announcement comes one day after the last Tedeum of Poli, who will henceforth be apostolic administrator of Buenos Aires. This Thursday, the cardinal said goodbye with a harsh speech where he highlighted the increase in child poverty.

His replacement, García Cuerva, is 55 years old, has extensive experience working in popular neighborhoods of Tigre and is a lawyer graduated from the University of Salta. He also has studies in Theology. Read more.

26.05.2023 08:02


Axel Kicillof's chief adviser posted an ironic tweet against Vidal

After the tweet that María Eugenia Vidal published on Wednesday night, which went viral because it explicitly showed that it had been written by someone else, Axel Kicillof's chief adviser came out to cross it with a strong irony.

"As you may have seen, last night I uploaded a wrong text about what I said in LN+ on Monday night. Hopefully more of us politicians choose to manage our accounts, read, and answer. It was clear that I am not the most skilled with the networks, what is still not clear is what Kirchnerism celebrates today. Poverty? The dollar?" wrote Carlos Bianco, one of Kicillof's closest men.

See also

Actors, Albertistas and a man convicted of corruption: the most striking guests on stage of Cristina Kirchner

"Despite the mistakes, this government is infinitely better than another Macri government would have been," and other phrases of Cristina Kirchner in Plaza de Mayo