The Limited Times

Palliative care: "Active help to live"

5/26/2023, 6:21:08 PM

Highlights: The France has been engaged in a debate on the end of life for several months. In February 2022, a major national plan was launched, with the ambition to guarantee everyone access to palliative care. Eighteen months after the implementation of the plan, where do we stand? Too many departments are still deprived of it. Are the means sufficient? Is the political will there? At all levels? It is a philosophy of existence that is taking shape. Behind the words, we find the relationship of each one with life: suffering is frightening, death is...

THE EDITORIAL OF LE FIGARO - The care given to its elders recognizes the humanity of a society.

The France has been engaged in a debate on the end of life for several months. In February 2022, a major national plan was launched, with the ambition to guarantee everyone access to palliative care. Eighteen months after the implementation of the plan, where do we stand? Too many departments are still deprived of it. Are the means sufficient? Is the political will there? At all levels?

Last April, a citizens' convention was held, confirming this development but also advocating the establishment of "active assistance in dying". The report she delivered and the ensuing intervention of the President of the Republic seemed to want to install in public opinion the idea of a "at the same time" characteristic of our time. On such a crucial subject, is this the right method? Because, beyond the medical, technical and political debates, it is a philosophy of existence that is taking shape. Behind the words, we find the relationship of each one with life: suffering is frightening, death is...

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