The Limited Times

They seek to stop the promotion to judge of a former adviser to Axel Kicillof: they denounce that his appointment is illegal

5/26/2023, 6:51:43 PM

Highlights: Juan Rafael Stinco is one of the candidates to fill judicial vacancies. He has worked in the private sector since the early 1990s. He was appointed to a position in the National Civil and Commercial Chamber. He is also a spokesperson for Ricardo Lorenzetti and María Cristina Fernández Ponte. The list of candidates has not yet been convened to give them formal entry into the Agreements Commission, where the ruling party has the majority to issue an opinion. It is expected to be completed by the end of May.

This is Juan Rafael Stinco, a lawyer who advised the governor of the Province in his time at YPF.

Kirchnerism does not take a break and at this end of the cycle of Alberto Fernández added another package of lists to fill judicial vacancies, which still does not have parliamentary status in the Senate but already generates controversy and political tension.

These are 18 sheets that were sent on May 10 and that are expected to be convened to a session immediately so that they can be treated in the Agreements Commission, chaired by the camporista Anabel Fernández Sagasti and where the ruling party has the majority to issue an opinion.

But one of the candidates who has already generated reactions, not only among the opposition but also in judicial territory, is Juan Rafael Stinco, a lawyer in his early 40s who has an important career in the private sector, but also important links with Axel Kicillof.

During the second government of Cristina Kirchner, from 2013 to 2014, Stinco was at YPF, as advisor to the vice president of corporate legal services, a stage in which Axel Kicillof, occupied the board and then assumed as Minister of Economy.

In 2015 he was pro-legal secretary of the Attorney General, and in December of that year he left both positions before the change of government. Between 2014 and 2015, Stinco was also general director of legal affairs for the Matanza Riachuelo Basin Authority (Acumar).

The controversy began after the lawyer was included in a list of candidates to fill judicial vacancies. Punctually, he was appointed as head of the national court of First Instance in Federal Administrative Litigation 7.

After learning of the appointment, three lawyers who had been shortlisted to occupy the position sent President Alberto Fernández an appeal for consideration through which they requested the suspension of the appointment and the withdrawal of the list.

For lawyers Analía Conde, Natalia Mortier and Patricia Rota, Stinco's nomination act is "flagrantly illegal, unconstitutional and illegitimate." In principle, what they reproach is that the Executive Branch can appoint judges based on a binding proposal from the Council of the Magistracy, but Stinco was appointed from a complementary list.

To this is added that it was in 2021, Stinco was appointed judge of first instance in civil and commercial matters and three years have to elapse from the moment of assumption to run for another court.

Likewise, the lawyers also question the government's decision because the grounds for appointing Kicillof's former adviser, who was not part of the shortlists that had been formed to fill the vacancy of the court, were not disseminated.

Even in the submission made to the Government, a case of gender discrimination was raised, since five of the six vacancies in that competition were filled by men.

But in this package of almost twenty candidates Stinco is not the only one with political connotation. Also included was the statement of María Laura Manin, undersecretary of administrative management of the Ministry of the Interior and with arrival to Eduardo "Wado" de Pedro.

In this case, the official was appointed to the Competition Defense Chamber of the National Civil and Commercial Chamber. Humberto Guardia Mendonça was also proposed for this jurisdiction, which drew attention in the field of Courts because the candidate is vice president of the National Commission for the Defense of Competition and former partner of María Bourdín, spokesperson for Ricardo Lorenzetti.

Another of those promoted is Juan Tomás Rodríguez Ponte, head of the Directorate of Judicial Assistance in Complex Crimes and Organized Crime of the Judicial Power of the Nation (DaJuDeCo), who is appointed to the federal court of Lomas de Zamora.

Rodríguez Ponte had been in the eye of the storm at the time after some audios were leaked in which Cristina Kirchner tried to "bullshit" Oscar Parrilli and talked about arming Jaime Stiuso causes.

Among those appointed is also Ana María Cristina Juan, pro-secretary of the First Chamber of the Federal Court and wife of Judge Marcelo Martínez de Giorgi, who is in charge of the case that investigates adulterations or rewritings in the notebooks of Oscar Centeno, the former driver of the Ministry of Planning.

All these lists have not yet taken parliamentary status, since a session must be convened to give them formal entry and that they can be treated in the Agreements commission.

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