The Limited Times

Violent explosion at "Die Geissens": Davina Geiss in mortal danger

5/26/2023, 5:00:46 PM

Highlights: "Davina & Shania – We love Monaco" is on RTL2 from May 29, 2023. Davina Geiss (19) has to go to the hospital with smoke inhalation after a car explosion. The millionaire's daughter could have died in the process, Davina is sure. The Geissens did not start their TV career atRTL2. The entrepreneur was too bothered by the contrast between his luxury life and those who have yet to fight for their existence abroad.

Out of nowhere, the Geissens' Porsche explodes. Davina tries to put out the fire and inhales a dangerous amount of smoke. She could have died in the process, the millionaire's daughter is sure.

Monaco – Blue lights, clouds of smoke and Davina Geiss (19) with an oxygen mask in the ambulance: There are violent scenes that fans get to see on Whit Sunday on "Davina & Shania – We love Monaco". With tears in her eyes and trembling hands, the millionaire's daughter tells of the traumatic night.

Davina Geiss in shock: Porsche catches fire – no one wanted to help her

"Dad asked me to do something else for him," Davina Geiss begins to tell. Someone has to drive her car because Shania (18) doesn't have a driver's license. "That's why my best friend drove my car. And then I drove daddy's Porsche, from one underground car park to the other – and then came the complete disaster."

Because the Porsche suddenly catches fire – at first it was just a spark, then the whole car burns out in the garage. "I really couldn't breathe. That was black. Black smoke – everywhere. Smoke everywhere," says Davina, completely off track. She and her best friend ring the janitor's doorbell, but he doesn't want to help them. "Now there are 50 people here and not one of them wanted to help us."

The two young girls are completely overwhelmed, they cannot operate the fire extinguisher. So they try to put out the fire with sand. "When there was smoke everywhere, people slowly came and shouted at us and blamed it on us," says the millionaire's daughter, completely in shock. "I can't take it anymore. I'm so shaking."

The Geissens did not start their TV career at RTL2

Since 2011, fans of Carmen and Rooobert have been able to follow their everyday life in luxury on "The Geissens - a terribly glamorous family" on RTL2. But what many people don't know: first they were seen in the Vox show "Goodbye Deutschland", but soon dropped out again. The entrepreneur was too bothered by the clear contrast between his luxury life and those who have yet to fight for their existence abroad.

Violent explosion at "Die Geissens": Davina Geiss in mortal danger

The local fire brigade arrives with 15 cars and several ambulances. "At first I thought I had nothing," says Davina Geiss (18). But she has to go to the hospital with smoke inhalation. Meanwhile, Shania Geiss sits calmly at home and takes care of their dog. When she gets the call from her sister, her world collapses. "It was really a shock for me." When Davina no longer answers her cell phone, she immediately drives to the hospital.


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Davina Geiss in shock: She has to go to the hospital with an oxygen mask after the car explosion. © RTL2/Davina & Shania – We Love Monaco Episode 8 from May 29, 2023

After four hours with an oxygen mask, Davina's blood values are fine again and her lungs are also smoke-free again. "I think that was really the worst thing that happened to me in my life. I am also very traumatized and shocked by the situation."

She is sure that if she had stayed longer in the garage, she would have tipped over at some point and even died there. "Knowing that I could have died there is the biggest shock you can have," Davina said. "So you also see how quickly a life can end and that you can really be grateful every day to live".

Out of nowhere, the Geissens' Porsche explodes. Davina tries to put out the fire and inhales a dangerous amount of smoke. She could have died, the millionaire's daughter is sure. (Photomontage) © RTL2/Davina & Shania – We Love Monaco Episode 8 from May 29, 2023

Speaking of explosions: While playing with dry ice, a frightening incident occurs with the Geissens girls. In "Die Geissens" Davina Geiss almost had a fatal dry ice accident. Sources used:RTL2/Davina & Shania – We Love Monaco Episode 8 from May 29, 2023

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