The Limited Times

Cynicism football club

5/27/2023, 10:50:46 AM

Highlights: Football was never an entertainment but an emotion with which we play. The materials with which emotions are made are essentially two: love and hate. Many people are deciding the vote in the next election not by affinity to a party or a leader, but by the antipathy that the counterpart deserves. People who have been outraged by the Vinicius case for a week will vote tomorrow for Vox, always within the Constitution, very loose of body. The big problem is that hatred is escaping from the stadiums and reaching the street.

The stadium is a vomitory of our instincts, but beware, because that vomit reveals what is usually hidden behind the social tangle

That you have been called a son of a bitch thousands of times is one more baggage that one takes away from football when he retires. Because football was never an entertainment but an emotion with which we play. And the materials with which emotions are made are essentially two: love and hate. These days hatred is winning and not because of what has happened with the monkey who imitated a monkey to unleash the anger of Vinicius. It also happens on other planes. Many people are deciding the vote in the next election not by affinity to a party or a leader, but by the antipathy that the counterpart deserves. If politics is footballed, we cannot be surprised that football goes out of its way. The stadium is a vomit of our instincts. But beware, because that vomit reveals what is usually hidden behind the social tangle. So that "Spain is not racist" should be put under observation.

In Vinicius the substantial thing is how he plays and playing is a plane. I'm not straying from the subject because, since always, the most hated player has been the one who provokes the most fear. Vinicius, moreover, is not the problem but the symptom. It is a player who has fame, recognition, voice and that, therefore, could put the magnifying glass to aggravate a sensitive issue. This also correlates with politics. People who have been outraged by the Vinicius case for a week will vote tomorrow for Vox, always within the Constitution, very loose of body. Cynicism that reflected with intelligent aim the cartoon of Flavita Banana on the cover of this newspaper. A boat full of migrants approaches the coast and, from the beach, a spokesman accompanied by military raises his voice: "Wait a minute!!!," he says, "Does anyone play good football?" In the event that Vinicius is the problem, that will be solved with three tips. Now, if we talk about a society that, stuck in a stadium, thinks with its guts, the solution is not so easy. I refer to the drift of all hobbies, which should be taken seriously because the guts usually tell the truth.

To stop being a person to become a fan (which is an exaggerated person) produces perplexity. That's in the nature of football. But there is a gulf between a noble adversary and an enemy; The first I can challenge him with a joke, the second I can insult him. The media make their contribution, just read the Vinicius case in the Valencian press or in the madridista. The two empty the container of victimhood by putting the accent on the player or the stands. Social networks also push towards extremes without anyone putting a stop. In the language of the clubs, each one elaborates its discourse taking care not to contradict its social mass; In the language of sports bodies, they entertain themselves in absurd polemics that do not make the solution; In political parlance, candidates do not speak because speaking out jeopardizes some votes that may be key. The big problem is that hatred is escaping from the stadiums and reaching the street. Football, in short, only reflects it in a particularly disgusting way.

I love football as an exciting territory that helps me escape reality in a congratulatory way. However, a somewhat fascist hatred is being imposed, in which joy passes through humiliating the rival. It doesn't happen only in Spain, but in Spain it also happens. If football is going to serve to hate us better, it is not worth continuing to play.

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