The Limited Times

Luka Romero, the kid of the Sub 20 who took all the flashes and in Europe they are already fighting for his pass

5/27/2023, 6:31:26 PM

Highlights: The 18-year-old midfielder is the idol of teenagers in the World Cup. His contract with Lazio expires in June and there are several interested in signing him. "He grabbed it Messi in the middle of the pitch and hung it from the angle," said Gino Infantino, the captain against New Zealand. "For me every goal is worth one. What I'm trying to do is help the team," said Luka Romero after his goal against the Kiwis. "Motherland there is only one," said Chiqui Tapia.

The left-handed midfielder is the idol of teenagers in the World Cup that is organized in the country. His contract with Lazio expires in June and there are several interested in signing him.

There is a kind of fever for Luka Romero, a kind of Romero-mania unleashed during the U-20 World Cup. What this talented 18-year-old, 5-month-old left-hander from Italy's Lazio does especially in teenagers is similar to what Paulo Dybala generates. Both Luka and La Joya have a magnetism that goes beyond what they do with the ball at their feet and impacts the youngest audience. It is enough to visit the hotels in which Javier Mascherano's Selection concentrates to understand that the one born only by whims of fate in Durango, Mexico, is the most required.

But not only the fans are those who are amazed with Romero: inside, in the privacy of the squad, he also awakens positive sensations. "He scored a terrible goal. That's how the different ones are," shot Maximo Perrone. "Lukita has a masterful punch," added Federico Redondo. "The goal he scored makes me happy for him because he's a great boy," said Gino Infantino, the captain against New Zealand. "He grabbed it Messi in the middle of the pitch and hung it from the angle. Luka is crack. It is an honor to have it for us and we have to enjoy it, "said Alejo Véliz, the most extroverted of all. "Motherland there is only one," Chiqui Tapia posted on her social networks with a photo of Romero and an Argentine flag.

Javier Mascherano also surrendered at Romero's feet. "What am I going to explain Luka's goal. I've never put one like that in my life. We are very happy with his attitude: whenever he had to enter he did it in the best way, the same as when he could be at the start, "added the Little Boss with a smile.

-Javier, now Luka is going to be compared even more with Messi...

-Well, Luka is a great player: for something he debuted at the age of 15 in Mallorca and he has been at Lazio for quite some time. But do not forget that he is a boy who is only 18 years old. From our place we have to accompany him so that he can have a nice career. Hopefully it will not only be at European level, but also with the National Team. We, as a coaching staff, don't have to create any kind of tension for him, as we do with everyone. Yes, give it positive things so that it continues to be enhanced.

Romero has youth in his eyes: he dodges it with shyness. Also humility: praise makes him uncomfortable, try to cut them before they are finished. Those things were evidenced minutes after breaking it against New Zealand and scoring that great goal that went around the world. "I grabbed the ball in the middle of the court, I tried to turn, but they were fouling me. I was able to get out, I overtook it and as the centre-backs didn't come out I hit the goal", Luka explained his goal as if it had been a simple matter. "For me every goal is worth one. What I'm trying to do is help the team. We are very happy with how things are going for us. We must continue along this path. Now we have to rest, be with the family, which is always necessary, and think about what is coming, "he closed.

Romero's performances at the World Cup resonate in Europe. And a conflict begins to come to light: his link with Lazio, where he accumulates 21 presences with one goal. The Argentine's contract expires in the middle of the year and the renewal is not easy. According to Italian media, the player's agent, Fali Ramadani, asks for a bonus of 5 million euros to put the signature. That is why there are many clubs that begin to carry out surveys for Luka.

What Mascherano will do ahead of the next knockout match is the looming question. The coach is already torn between two options: keep the place of Matías Soulé or bet on Romero.

"Messi? No, I play as I know, nothing more," warned Luka Romero, the soccer sensation of the World Cup, the boy everyone talks about.

San Juan. Special envoy.

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