The Limited Times

Plastic pollution: beware of "false good ideas" to fight against this scourge

5/27/2023, 1:10:01 PM

Highlights: Negotiations for an international treaty against plastic pollution start this Saturday at UNESCO in Paris. If two camps clash - on the one hand the producing countries (USA, Japan, China or Saudi Arabia) and, on the other, a coalition of fifty States whose France in favour of binding measures and a limitation of the production of plastics - the many environmental NGOs will ensure their role as watchdogs. The "real" discussions will begin on Monday and end on Friday around the drafting of a global treaty.

Negotiations for an international treaty against plastic pollution start this Saturday at UNESCO in Paris. Scrutinized discussions

Make way for negotiators. After a weekend between ministers from countries around the world, welcomed at UNESCO by Christophe Béchu and Catherine Colonna, respectively Ministers of Ecological Transition and Foreign Affairs, the "real" discussions will begin on Monday and end on Friday around the drafting of a global treaty to fight against plastic pollution. If two camps clash - on the one hand the producing countries (USA, Japan, China or Saudi Arabia) and, on the other, a coalition of fifty States whose France in favour of binding measures and a limitation of the production of plastics - the many environmental NGOs will ensure their role as watchdogs.

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