The Limited Times

Legislative elections 2022: in Seine-Saint-Denis, four candidates hit with ineligibility

5/30/2023, 5:41:17 PM

Highlights: Hakima Ouaret was invested by the presidential majority in the 11th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis for the legislative elections of June 2022. She won 10.71% of the votes cast in the first round. The Constitutional Council also declared ineligible for three years another elected representative of the majority of the mayor of Villepinte Martine Valleton (LR) Ton-Tona Khul (no label) also a candidate in the same constituency, did not file a campaign account in time.

This sentence set out by the Constitutional Council does not call into question the membership of a local executive of these four deputy mayors

"I'm not interested in talking about that!" At the end of the line, Hakima Ouaret (Radical Party) cuts the conversation short. The municipal councillor in charge of disability and the fight against discrimination in Villepinte has just been hit with three years of ineligibility by the Constitutional Council. Like three other elected representatives of Seine-Saint-Denis, she paid for the irregularity of her candidacy in the last legislative elections.

"If Mrs. Ouaret argues that she had neither expense nor revenue, it follows from the investigation that her financial agent has not opened a bank account, observes the Sages of the rue de Montpensier in a decision of May 26. It is therefore unlikely to produce bank statements that would allow it to attest to the absence of expenditure and revenue. »

Hakima Ouaret was invested by the presidential majority in the 11th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis (Sevran, Villepinte, Tremblay-en-France) for the legislative elections of June 2022. She won 10.71% of the votes cast in the first round.

The Constitutional Council also declared ineligible for three years another elected representative of the majority of the mayor of Villepinte Martine Valleton (LR). His fifth deputy Ton-Tona Khul (no label)*, also a candidate in the same constituency, did not file a campaign account in time. He received just over 2% of the vote.

Ineligibility applies "to any mandate" from the date of the decision

Same sanction against Sonia Bakhti-Alout (Horizons)*. The referent of Édouard Philippe's party in Seine-Saint-Denis "has filed, with the National Commission of Campaign Accounts (...), a set of disparate and incomplete documents," says the decision of the Constitutional Council dated May 26. Then she allegedly omitted, in a second step, to include in her account "the sums of 1,682 euros and 90 euros corresponding to campaign services offered by the political party of the person concerned".

Candidate of the presidential majority in the 10th district, the deputy mayor of Bondy Stephen Hervé (LR) won 10.49% of the votes cast in the first round.

Finally, the Constitutional Council pinned Sonia Airouche (Resistons!) *, the fourth deputy mayor of Bobigny Abdel Sadi (PCF), after the rejection of the campaign account of the latter, candidate in the 5th district under the banner of the movement of Jean Lassalle, "on the grounds that the candidate did not respect the provisions (...) of the electoral code". "In addition, this account has a deficit balance," he adds.

This penalty of ineligibility, which applies "to any mandate" from the date of the decision, does not call into question the membership of the elected officials concerned to their local executive, as confirmed by the office of the mayor of Villepinte about Hakima Ouaret and Ton-Tona Khul. On the other hand, they could be prevented from running in the next municipal elections, in 2026.

* Contacted by phone on Monday or Tuesday, Ton-Tona Khul, Sonia Bakhti-Alout and Sonia Airouche could not be reached.