The Limited Times

Metrobus Alberdi-Directory: despite the complaints of the neighbors, the Justice authorized the work

5/30/2023, 5:14:28 PM

Highlights: The suspension continues in 3 blocks of Avellaneda Park, which have historical protection. neighborhood associations and merchants called for a protest in Floresta, in repudiation of the ruling that enabled the continuity of the work. The mobilization will be at 18 in Alberdi and Mariano Acosta. The branch will be 8.6 km long. 5.6km will be in single hand, while the other 3 will be built in the double hand section of Alber di, from Bruix to General Paz. It is not ruled out that it may be extended in the future.

The suspension continues in 3 blocks of Avellaneda Park, which have historical protection. What are the main claims.

The Buenos Aires Justice lifted the precautionary measure that had stopped the works of theMetrobus of the Alberdi and Directory avenues, in Flores, Floresta and Parque Avellaneda. And although the works had not stopped completely, now the Buenos Aires Government can move forward with the construction of the new branch, although the neighbors continue to oppose it.

This Tuesday afternoon, neighborhood associations and merchants called for a protest in Floresta, in repudiation of the ruling that enabled the continuity of the work. The mobilization will be at 18 in Alberdi and Mariano Acosta.

"We oppose the Metrobus because it puts businesses in the area at risk, breaks with the identity of the neighborhood, does not allow parking on Alberdi. In addition, it is unnecessary because the traffic is fluid and because it contemplates the felling of centenary trees and alters areas under historical protection in Parque Avellaneda, "they detailed through the statement that calls for the demonstration.

"In a new outrage to the will of the neighbors, the Justice lifted the amparo that ensured the paralysis of the works without taking into account the alternatives that had been presented in a work table between amparistas and authorities of the Buenos Aires government," adds the statement signed by the Center of Merchants friends of Alberdi Avenue and adjacencies.

The ruling of Judge Elena Liberatori, in charge of the court in the Contentious Administrative and Tax number 4, rejected the request for suspension of works presented in the neighborhood amparo, although it clarifies that the works may not continue in the blocks bordering the Avellaneda Park, the area of historical protection to which the amparo refers.

In addition, it establishes that the Buenos Aires Government will have to take into account the agreements reached in the working groups that were convened so that the Executive explains the scope of the project.

In the ruling, Liberatori also exposes specific issues raised by neighbors in terms of road safety, parking spaces and traffic on the sidewalks. In addition, it refers to the work table and the hearing convened by the court, where different officials responded to neighborhood complaints.

It is that part of the route crosses, in other commercial areas, blocks where a pole dedicated to decoration and construction has been operating for decades, where Alberdi Avenue is wide. There, the neighbors consider that the Metrobus will limit circulation spaces, parking of customers and loading and unloading of the premises.

Work on the Alberdi and Directory Metrobus had begun in January. Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros

How is the project

The concrete development of the new Metrobus had begun in February with preparatory work in the surroundings, which according to the City never stopped despite the precautionary of Liberatori.

The branch will be 8.6 km long. 5.6 km will be in single hand, while the other 3 will be built in the double hand section of Alberdi, from Bruix to General Paz.

As part of both avenues are single hand towards the center, in the case of Directory, and from the center, Alberdi, Bruix will function as a kind of link between both. So far, Metrobus branches are made on double-handed tracks, mostly with lanes and central stations. Therefore, that of Alberdi and Directory will make a difference in what has been known so far.

It will be covered by twelve bus lines: 4, 7, 49, 55, 63, 88, 92, 96, 114, 126, 180 and 182. And in principle it will not go beyond San Pedrito Avenue, in Flores.

However, it is not ruled out that it may be extended in the future. Both towards the center and to La Matanza. It is that on Juan Manuel de Rosas Avenue, which is the continuation of Alberdi on the other side of General Paz, there are 3.7 kilometers to the Metrobus of La Matanza, which starts at the roundabout of San Justo. But the continuity of this project will depend on some kind of political agreement between two community chiefs who usually belong to opposing political spaces.

When this Metrobus is completed, the network will have a total of 70 kilometers. The last one was inaugurated weeks ago, with an extension of 1.9 kilometers in the Bajo, a work that took 6 years. The first was that of Juan B. Justo, built in 2011. And later 9 de Julio, Cabildo, which crosses the province and continues through Maipú, the South, the 25 de Mayo highway and the first section of the Bajo.


See also

Complaints about the Metrobus Alberdi-Directory: Justice ordered the City to inform neighbors

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