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"Not worthy of FC Bayern": Sepp Maier harshly criticises the record champions

5/31/2023, 12:03:33 PM

Highlights: FC Bayern Munich parted ways with CEO Oliver Kahn and sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic. Former goalkeeper Sepp Maier has criticised the German record champions. The 79-year-old did not understand that Kahn had listened too much to others in his work. Maier was Kahn's goalkeeper coach at FC Bayern Munich. He would have liked the men to have been bid farewell with dignity. "That's not my FC Bayern anymore. It's becoming more and more inhumane in football and the Brazzo and Oli were inhumane," said Maier.

Former goalkeeper Sepp Maier has criticised Bayern Munich after the departure of Kahn and Salihamidzic.

Munich - There has been unrest at FC Bayern Munich for weeks and months, which reached its climax shortly after winning the championship in Cologne. A few moments after the end of the game, it leaked out that the German record champions were parting ways with CEO Oliver Kahn and sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic. A short time later, President Herbert Hainer confirmed the personnel decisions in the catacombs of the Cologne stadium.

Josef "Sepp" Maier
Born:28 February 1944 in Metten
Clubs:\tTSV Haar (1952 to 1959), FC Bayern (1959 to 1979)
International caps:\t95 for Germany

FC Bayern Munich: Maier criticises club management

Sepp Maier, 1974 World Cup winner and goalkeeping legend of FC Bayern Munich, has criticised the German record champions after parting ways with Oliver Kahn. "That's not my FC Bayern anymore. The thing with Oli has a bland aftertaste. You just don't do that, no matter what happened," said the 79-year-old in an interview with the TV channel Sport1.

The former Bayern Munich keeper would have liked Kahn and Salihamidzic to have been bid farewell with dignity. "They don't deserve that. That was bad style. The two of them have done so much for FC Bayern, they are legends. It's becoming more and more inhumane in football and the Brazzo and Oli were inhumane."

Sepp Maier. © IMAGO/Ulrich Wagner

Maier, who was Kahn's goalkeeper coach at FC Bayern Munich, dislikes the timing of the announcement of the separation. "I didn't understand that and that's not worthy of FC Bayern. If the men had done that a week later, it would have been fine with me," she told Sport1.

FC Bayern Munich: Maier believed in Kahn

The 79-year-old did not understand that Kahn had listened too much to others in his work. "Oli listened too much to his advisors. He wouldn't have needed any advisors at all. He just did his thing," said Maier, sharing the opinion of honorary president Uli Hoeness, who explained in the Kicker sports magazine that Kahn had surrounded himself too much with his advisors.


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In recent weeks, the "cat of Anzing" had defended the chairman of the board. "Before you attack the Olli, you should first look elsewhere. I talk to him often. These are new structures for him. It's a whole new, different area for him now. But he will do it with the same ambition as before and with reason," Maier was sure. But he was obviously wrong. (smr


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