The Limited Times

Fans to create a home game atmosphere in Pasing

5/31/2023, 9:41:51 AM

Highlights: TSV Peißenberg is fighting for promotion to the district league. The first hurdle on the way there is the DJK Pasing. TSV coach Michael Stoßberger has worked hard to earn the nickname "Mr. Relegation" The most impressive thing about the sports grounds in Pasing is "the beer garden," says Stoßberg. "If we shut up, we've gained a lot," says the player-coach, who is addicted to being relegated.

It is the highlight of an extraordinary season: Last season, TSV Peißenberg was almost relegated to the district league, now it is fighting for promotion to the district league. The first hurdle on the way there is the DJK Pasing

It is the highlight of an extraordinary season: Last season, TSV Peißenberg was almost relegated to the district league, now it is fighting for promotion to the district league. The first hurdle on the way there is the DJK Pasing

Peißenberg – What's going to go wrong with this coach? Michael Stoßberger has worked hard to earn the nickname "Mr. Relegation". For the eighth time, he and his team extend a season. This has already happened to him twice in his youth, then four times in Raisting and now for the second time in a row with TSV Peißenberg. Of course, nothing will come close to the duel of 9 June 2013, the match of the century between Raistinger and Vilzing, in which the SVR was promoted to the Bayernliga in front of 1500 spectators. Stoßberger scored to make it 1-1. After the promotion, an opponent asked him on the pitch how much money he would get in Raisting for this success. "A beer and a sausage, I said," says Stoßberger today. He will never forget how they chugged through the village with the bulldog, drank a stamperl at the house of every ex-Raistinger and celebrated the longest night of their lives.

You have to be cool and easy-going.

Peißenberg's player-coach Michael Stoßberger

This much can be said after all the knockout games: Michael Stoßberger is addicted to relegation. That was his big goal in the sunset of his career, to experience a last relegation as an active kicker. Especially the young players he has to tell about the magic of these games. Hardly anyone is likely to have examined the mystery of "relegation" as much as Stoßberger, the player-coach. In these games, it is not always the better footballers who win, but those with the more alert heads. "You have to be cool and composed," he says. Michael Stoßberger exemplifies this.

The most impressive thing about the sports grounds in Pasing: "The beer garden"

In the first round of the Bezirksliga, Peißenberg meets DJK Pasing. This Wednesday (31 May), the first leg will take place in Munich (18:30 CET, Bezirkssportanlage an der Agnes-Bernauer-Straße) – and Michael Stoßberger will be using the entire keyboard to extract every small advantage. Last Sunday, he sat on the sports grounds in Pasing, watched the opponent in his last game of the Kreisliga München. What impressed him the most: "The beer garden," jokes Stoßberger. Seriously, he had never seen such a football, as disembodied as the two teams showed. The opponent Oberföhring was against relegation, at Pasing for second place - and yet hardly anyone moved. The coach doesn't know what to think of the impressions.

Peißenberg relies on physicality and tackles against strong Pasinger

However, the plan for Wednesday has taken concrete shape as a result. Peißenberg will rely on physicality, on pace, on tackles, on emotions - virtually on everything that the TSV scouting squad did not get to see on Sunday. As a central figure in midfield, he has identified player-coach Muhamet Mucoli, who likes to lift balls behind the defensive chain with feeling. Hannes Kunterweit and Valentin Hörndl are to work on it for 90 minutes. In addition, the Pasinger tend to like to mess with referees and opponents. "If we shut up, we've gained a lot," says Stoßberger.

Peißenberg expects 200 of its own fans at the Pasing sports grounds

The atmosphere next to the pitch was also striking. Just 50 guests watched the game. "There were dead pants," Stoßberger observed. If you look back at the history of the Pasingers, only 2018 spectators came to the last relegation game of the DJK, in 250 against Gräfelfing. For the district, unimaginably small numbers in view of a game of this magnitude. "These are two home games for us," the TSV coach announced. Around 200 Peißenberg fans are likely to make their way to Munich. The association offers a 50-passenger bus, for example. At the second leg on Saturday in Peißenberg (15 p.m.), the whole Oberland will come by anyway. There are no great alternatives this year, this time Peiting is not playing against Murnau. "We're going to make the game a huge party," Stoßberger announced.

Still question marks behind the use of Stoßberger and Johannes Jungmann

There is only one small problem that concerns Peißenberg: the adductors of player-coach Stoßberger and attacker Johannes Jungmann. Since the game in Miesbach last weekend, the hip muscles have been hurting badly. On Monday, they both visited physiotherapist Richard Ehlich in Apfeldorf. They will also go there for the next few days if nothing improves. If necessary, painkillers have to be used, but sitting out is out of the question for the two of them. "I won't miss out on the relegation, and if they have to punch me for something," jokes Stoßberger. Otherwise, the usual suspects are on board. Maybe there will be one or two changes in the starting eleven because they have discovered a weak point in Pasing, which of course will not be revealed publicly. The coach does not express a desired result. Peißenberg wants to make the older squad sweat and get a result "where we can turn something around at any time in the second leg". Of course, a win would be a dream. But the "Mr. Relegation" is certainly not so presumptuous. He knows about the peculiarities of these days.