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Is Tuchel quitting FC Bayern? Hamann fears imminent departure

5/31/2023, 3:26:48 AM

Highlights: Thomas Tuchel has only been in charge at FC Bayern for just over two months. Sky expert Dietmar Hamann fears a quick departure of the coach. Sky pundit Erik Meijer expects Tuchel's departure as early as Monday (29 May) transfer expert Fabrizio Romano strongly disagrees with the rumours. Tuchel is not thinking about leaving Bayern. However, he is concerned with the unresolved question of filling the position of sporting director. The search for a successor to Oliver Kahn has been found in Jan-Christian Dreesen, while the search for Hasan Salihamidzic's successor continues.

Thomas Tuchel could apparently leave FC Bayern after the sackings of Kahn and Salihamidzic. Sky expert Dietmar Hamann fears a quick departure of the coach.

Munich – Thomas Tuchel has only been in charge at FC Bayern for just over two months. The coach has experienced many ups and downs in this short time. Indicative of Tuchel's rollercoaster ride of emotions in Munich may have been winning his first German championship, as a result of which the dismissals of CEO Oliver Kahn and sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic became known. Has Tuchel had enough of FC Bayern and is packing his bags with the championship trophy in his luggage? Sky pundit Dietmar Hamann does not rule out such a scenario, with his colleague Erik Meijer expecting Tuchel's departure as early as Monday (29 May).

Dietmar Hamann
Born:27 August 1973
Bundesliga matches:106
Position:Defensive midfield

Tuchel must "digest first" dismissals of Kahn and Salihamidzic

FC Bayern's emotional and surprising championship was undoubtedly marred by the dismissals of sporting bosses Kahn and Salihamidzic. Coach Tuchel knew about the decision by the supervisory board around President Herbert Hainer since Friday. After the last-minute championship title in Cologne, the 49-year-old was visibly touched.

"I have to digest it first," Tuchel gave an insight into his emotional state shortly after the final whistle. However, the FCB coach did not mean the crazy season finale, but the sudden departure of Kahn and Salihamidzic. Tuchel recalled that Salihamidzic and Kahn "called, persuaded and convinced" him at the end of March to go down this common path. Brazzo was my daily contact." With Salihamidzic, the Krumbacher loses his closest confidant in the club.

Dietmar Hamann fears a Tuchel departure from FC Bayern. © Nils Koepke/Revierfoto/Imago

Is Tuchel quitting FC Bayern? Hamann fears imminent departure

"When you deal with people like that, you have to ask yourself: Do you want to work for this club?" said Sky pundit Dietmar Hamann, who attacked the Bayern leadership after the dismissals of Kahn and Salihamidzic. According to the Daily Mail, the ex-FCB player believes that Tuchel could also leave Bayern – but of his own free will. "I don't think you can rule out Tuchel's departure anytime soon. But he will leave of his own accord."

Hamann's prediction is supported by his expert colleague Erik Meijer, who even goes one step further. "I think he will have left the club by Monday," Meijer announced. However, transfer expert Fabrizio Romano strongly disagrees with the rumours of a quick departure from Tuchel.

Tuchel apparently wants to wait for new sporting director at FC Bayern – will old acquaintance return?

According to his sources, Tuchel is not thinking about leaving Bayern. However, he is concerned with the unresolved question of filling the position of sporting director. While a successor to Oliver Kahn has been found in Jan-Christian Dreesen, the search for a Brazzo successor continues.


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"Tuchel is waiting for the sporting director's situation to be clarified, but is still 100% involved in the Bayern project," Romano wrote on Twitter. At FC Bayern, there are said to be internal mind games about an old acquaintance as Brazzo's successor. Tuchel's own statements do not sound like an early departure.

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"Now it's a matter of course that I'm there, that I'll stay there. Now is not the time to leave, especially not after yesterday's decisions," Tuchel said at Saturday's press conference after the Bayern game in Cologne. "I have to be there, take responsibility, speak my mind. I have to think about it, because of course I have responsibility for the sporting development of the team. I can't say more about it because I don't know exactly what will happen in terms of content, but it's clear that I'm there for now."

At Sunday's press conference, president Herbert Hainer rigorously ruled out Tuchel's departure and backed the coach: "We are absolutely convinced of Thomas Tuchel, he is one of the best coaches in Europe. I spoke to Thomas on Friday and explained the situation to him. He was very understanding, it was a good conversation. That's why there's no reason at all to think about why Thomas shouldn't be a coach with us anymore." Kahn's successor Jan-Christian Dreesen also relies on Tuchel's expertise in transfer issues. (ck)

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