The Limited Times

"Women stay in the kitchen": the president of Bayonne apologizes after his misogynistic remarks

6/1/2023, 10:03:48 AM

Highlights: Philippe Tayeb, president of Aviron Bayonnais, apologizes for sexist remarks. Tayeb: "From what I've always been told, in the Basque Country, women stay in the kitchen" He was responding to other sexist remarks by the president of Pyrénées-Atlantiques. "It's something that doesn't look like me. I apologize if it hurt people," says Tayeb in a statement to media.. The president of Rowing regretted his remarks, according to France Bleu and Rugbyrama.

Philippe Tayeb, president of Aviron Bayonnais, which has just ranked 8th in the Top 14, slipped Tuesday by saying that "in the Basque Country, the women

A skid and backpedaling. Philippe Tayeb, president of Aviron Bayonnais, inaugurated Tuesday evening AB Campus, the training center of the club ranked 8th in the Top 14. "The project is called AB Etxea. Etxea is the house in Basque. And from what I've always been told, in the Basque Country, women stay in the kitchen," the 55-year-old leader said, according to Mediabask.

He was responding to other sexist remarks by the president of the departmental council of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Jean-Jacques Lasserre, who remarked, during the visit, that "these crampons are very clean. You'd have to show my wife how shoes are cleaned."

"It's something that doesn't look like me. I apologize for that."

A slippage that began to make noise and on which Philippe Tayeb ended up explaining. It was Wednesday night, during a presentation in front of partners of the club. According to France Bleu and Rugbyrama, the president of Rowing regretted his remarks. "First of all, it's something that doesn't look like me. I apologize if it hurt people, "said Philippe Tayeb.

The president of the rugby club said: "This is something that was said to me by a nice lady at the Hasparren parties and I used this expression. When I talk about cooking, my mother worked 35 years in the family kitchen, because we had a restaurant. And if there is one person who is important in the Tayeb family, it is the mother. In our community or family environment, it was always the mom who was above everyone else. So when I said that... I'm sorry if it hurt, but I didn't say that at all... I can attest to this, my board of directors is composed of seven girls for four boys. (...) But afterwards, these are comments that have been made and I accept them. »