The Limited Times

At the Sources of Western Civilization

6/1/2023, 1:24:01 PM

Highlights: Le Figaro Histoire returns in a special file to the sources of our civilization. The best specialists explain how the Middle Ages and the Renaissance drew on the works of the past to feed on them and compete with them. From Charlemagne to Michelangelo, from Dante to Jacqueline de Romilly, they revive the transmitters of knowledge between Antiquity and us. 132 pages, €9.90, available on newsstands and on the Figaro Store. Back to the page you came from.

LE FIGARO HISTOIRE - From political institutions to literature, from science to the visual arts, from philosophy to Christianity, the European heritage of Greece and Rome is an inexhaustible treasure. Le Figaro Histoire returns in a special file to the sources of our civilization.

How did our civilization come about? By constantly reclaiming the heritage of Greece and Rome. From political institutions to literature, from science to the plastic arts, from philosophy to Christianity, Europe's classical heritage is an inexhaustible treasure. Le Figaro Histoire returns in a special report to the sources of our culture. The best specialists explain how the Middle Ages and the Renaissance drew on the works of the past to feed on them and compete with them. They explore the many areas where the legacy of the ancients still shapes our intellectual universe as well as our daily lives. From Charlemagne to Michelangelo, from Dante to Jacqueline de Romilly, they revive the transmitters of knowledge between Antiquity and us.

  • "At the sources of Western civilization", 132 pages, €9.90, available on newsstands and on the Figaro Store.

At a time when summer is coming under the sign of a new drought, Le Figaro Histoire draws up an overview of the climate changes that have shaken humanity since the Paleolithic. On the cinema side, he returns to Jeanne du Barry, the film that Maïwenn dedicates to the last favorite of Louis XV. Among his reports, he takes you behind the scenes of the reconstruction of Notre-Dame's spire, which is beginning to rise again in the sky of Paris.

"At the sources of Western civilization" Le Figaro History