The Limited Times

Quiz: "one" or "a" tentacle... Are these words masculine or feminine?

6/1/2023, 10:52:41 AM

Highlights: The language of Molière is full of surprises with its complex gender system. In French, words ending in "ment", "teur", "age", "and" and "ier" are masculine. But be careful, do not confuse them with their female comrades! We have selected 20 names of the French language that are confusing. Will you manage to do a flawless? Invite your loved ones to participate in this quiz to compete with them!Male or female? It's up to you!

The wifi or the wifi, a Game Boy, one or an afternoon ... Will you be able to correctly designate the gender of these words?

Giving in numbers is already one thing, but giving in gender is another story! The language of Molière is full of surprises with its complex gender system, but don't worry, there are rules to guide you.

In French, words ending in "ment", "teur", "age", "and", "ier", "al", "isme", "age", "al", "and" and "ier" are masculine, such as "medicine", "liar", "wash", "fillet", "boulanger", "national", "capitalism", "amical"... But be careful, do not confuse them with their female comrades! The words ending in "ance", "ette", "té", "ude", "ence", "ation" and "ade" are feminine, such as "beauty", "latency", "confidence", "ballad", "laziness", "girl", "dancer", "solitude"... But behind these rules, there are also many exceptions.

So, sometimes we get some words wrong, trapped in uncertainty. But rest assured, there is a fun way to unmask our mistakes and make our knowledge shine: test ourselves!

Male or female? It's up to you!

Orbit, highway, mascarpone... We have selected 20 names of the French language that are confusing! Will you manage to do a flawless?

So how many correct answers did you get? Invite your loved ones to participate in this quiz to compete with them.