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"He cried": Son of "Goodbye Germany" emigrants in Sicily frightened because of evil teachers

6/3/2023, 11:35:04 PM

Highlights: "Goodbye Germany" emigrants Stefanie and Christian want to make their dream come true in Sicily. But her son Lucas can't cope with the gruff nature of his teachers. Lucas' initial joy of moving has already evaporated and the 11-year-old is now plagued by terrible homesickness. These are the guests in the TV garden with Anna Ermakova and "Immer wieder sonntags" on June 04, 2023READ: "Pippi Longstocking" star reveals ridiculous mini-fee for cult films.

"Goodbye Germany" emigrants Stefanie and Christian want to make their dream come true in Sicily. But her son Lucas can't cope with the gruff nature of his teachers.

Sicily – No more "La Bella Vita": The Fachin family's "Goodbye Germany" dream is beginning to turn into a nightmare. In Sicily, there are not only problems with her house, but also the homesickness of son Lucas (11) is increasing. He finds the transition particularly difficult. Not only does he not understand the language, he has no friends, but the teachers at school are also mean to him.

Foreign language, no friends: Son of "Goodbye Germany" emigrant feels uncomfortable in Sicily

It's not just the half-finished house that is bothering Christian (46) and Stefanie (41). Lucas' initial joy of moving has already evaporated and the 11-year-old is now plagued by terrible homesickness. The change in the Italian school is also difficult for him. "Yesterday, when I picked him up from school, he cried and said, 'It's all stupid,'" says mom Stefanie.

"I can understand that the situation is not easy for him. First of all, it's a foreign language, he has to make friends, then the mentality is completely different," says the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant. With the mentality of the Italian teachers, Lucas seems to have the biggest problem. "The teachers are mean," says the 11-year-old.

Separation, bankruptcy, strokes of fate at Goodbye Germany: These emigrants have failed mercilessly

Leave Germany and build a new future abroad. This is the dream of many on the VOX show "Goodbye Deutschland". However, he failed mercilessly with these TV emigrants.

"He cried": Son of "Goodbye Germany" emigrants frightened because of evil teachers

"That's the way it is at school ... in Germany, the children also get a bit of respect. Here, the children are not allowed to get any respect from the teachers," says Lucas. With glazed eyes, he promptly gives an example: "If the teachers talk now and you interrupt, you will be yelled at as if a child had beaten up in Germany".


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The fact that their child suffers so much also takes Stefanie and Christian with them. How long can you expect your child to last? But they don't want to give up their dream of Sicily just yet. "We can do it," says the family man confidently, wiping the tears from his wife's cheek. Lucas tries hard and wants to get used to the new situation in Sicily. But the 11-year-old loses his courage.

"Goodbye Germany" emigrants Stefanie and Christian Fachin hug each other – she wipes a tear from her face. Close-up of son Lucas. (Photomontage) © VOX/Goodbye Germany Episode 14 from June 2, 2023

"I wanted to go back to Germany. I would have gotten on the plane alone," he admits. His parents hope that he will settle in in the next few weeks. If not, there is only one solution for Stefanie: "I would also get on the plane with him and fly back to Germany". Does the dream burst in Sicily before it has really begun?

Son Lucas of "Goodbye Germany" emigrants Stefanie and Christian Fachin is not happy at all in Sicily. © VOX/Goodbye Germany Episode 14 from June 2, 2023

No, because after two months he has settled in well and even made new friends. But he still hasn't gotten used to the gruff tone in the classroom. But he understood that the volume of the teachers has nothing to do with him. He will repeat the school year. This allows him to learn the language without missing the school material.

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