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Parents want to name their child (3) Putin: Authorities are too colorful – with blatant consequences in kindergarten

6/3/2023, 11:12:55 PM

Highlights: Parents in Sweden have wanted to name their child "Putin" for years. The residents' registration office is against it. The parents dare to try again. This time, Mother Ann wants to try it with the name "Puttin" In their dialect, this is Putin's pronunciation anyway. It remains to be seen whether the Swedes have a "puttin" through the kitchen.. In Germany, according to taz, the name Putin was once given as a first name in 2018, before the war of aggression.

Parents in Sweden have wanted to name their child "Putin" for years. The residents' registration office is against it. The parents dare to try again.

Hishult – It's a story in many acts. Parents in Sweden want to name their child Putin, the tax authority forbids it, they try again. The family starts a total of eight attempts. Now comes the ninth. A new idea is to convince the authorities of little Putin. But why do the Swedes want to name their child after the Russian ruler – in the middle of the Ukraine war? And what has the officially nameless boy been called for the past three years?

Swedes want to name baby after Russia's president: "The little one is just a real Putin"

One thing you have to give the parents of the little nameless Swede: they are stubborn. Since 2021, they have been fighting for their son's name. He should be called Putin, like Russian President Vladimir Putin. "The little one wants to decide, everything should be done according to his will," Focus translates the statements of father Ronny in the Swedish newspaper Expressen. You can see it immediately. "The little one is just a real Putin," says the father. The siblings and neighbors also call the boy that.

In the wider environment, the name is met with rejection. Eight times, the authorities denied the name request. It is inappropriate, according to the reasoning – in 2021, especially because Putin is considered a surname as a first name. The combination of Vladimir Putin was also rejected, as reported by the taz, among others. A first name should neither offend, be inappropriate, nor embarrass the bearer of the name, according to the reasoning.

Baby must not be called Putin: In kindergarten, everyone just says "you"

After a few attempts by the parents, it became too colorful for the tax authorities. She officially registered the middle name of the Swede, Nikolai. In the kindergarten, the name was apparently gratefully received. The educators used it and the innocuous seven letters could also be read on the boy's shelf. This is disrespectful, complains mother Ann in the newspaper Expressen. Both to her son and to her parents. "I then wrote Putin next to it," the mother is quoted as saying. In kindergarten, the three-year-old is now only called "you" – the toddler is virtually nameless.

Parents in Sweden want to give their child the name "Putin". In kindergarten he is only called "you". (Symbolic image) © Arne Dedert/dpa

Baby to be called Putin: Swedish parents insist on name request - despite Ukraine war

The parents' desire to name their child Putin arose before the start of the Ukraine war. But even the escalation of the conflict by the Russian president apparently cannot dissuade Ronny and Ann from their wish. The war is not okay in any case, father Ronny told the newspaper. All people should live in peace and it is time for Putin to de-escalate. But Ronny also says: "Today everything seems to be Putin's fault. Inflation, food prices, electricity prices, interest rates."


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In addition, Ronny emphasizes that the children can change their names if they want. In Sweden, the naming law is looser than in Germany and a change is easily possible. Ronny himself has already changed his name once. The current plan of the family around the three-year-old son is: a ninth attempt. This time, Mother Ann wants to try it with the name "Puttin". In their Scanian dialect, this is Putin's pronunciation anyway. It remains to be seen whether the Swedes will soon officially have a "puttin" hopping through the kitchen.

In Germany, according to taz, the name Putin was once given as a first name in 2018, before the start of the war of aggression. Belmondo or Blitz, on the other hand, were rejected. But why do celebrity babies often have more unusual names? Elon Musk solved the legal problem with his son X Æ A-12with a little trick. (chd)

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