The Limited Times

Geoffroy Lejeune fired from Valeurs actuelles after a conflict with his main shareholder

6/4/2023, 12:00:51 PM

Highlights: The editorial director of Valeurs actuelles was suspended Friday as a precautionary measure, and summoned for a dismissal interview. The man had been in the hot seat for a few months. The exit too much for the main shareholder, who has been trying for months to change the policy of excessive right-wing operated by the editorial director. "It was too extreme for him," a source close to Iskandar Safa told the newspaper Liberation. "He wants to defend ideas rather than people"

The editorial director of Valeurs actuelles was suspended Friday as a precautionary measure, and summoned for a dismissal interview.

Earthquake in the opinion press. The highly publicized and controversial editorial director of Valeurs actuelles Geoffroy Lejeune has been dismissed by his management. According to Le Monde, he left the newspaper "with a ban on re-entering the premises" of the far-right newspaper in the sixteenth arrondissement of Paris on Friday. He is summoned for a "pre-sanction interview up to dismissal".

The man had been in the hot seat for a few months. Last fall, the specialized press had advanced that the thirty-year-old was about to be thanked by the owner of the magazine, the billionaire French-Lebanese shipowner Iskandar Safa, who wanted to replace him. But the troublemaker of the TV sets had saved his head thanks to the mobilization of his editorial staff and an unprecedented communication operation "I am here for VA".

It is therefore in a climate well tense by the arm wrestling between Geoffroy Lejeune and the owner of Valeurs actuelles that a clash took place Wednesday, in the middle of an editorial conference, according to the story of Le Monde.

"It's my writing, you don't belong there. You go out! ", would have swung Geoffroy Lejeune, towards the new president and director of the publication Jean-Louis Valentin, arrived two days earlier, still according to the account of an internal source in Le Monde. "You're not on a CNews set," the new strongman of the "right-wing" newspaper reportedly retorted. The exit too much for the main shareholder, who has been trying for months to change the policy of excessive right-wing operated by the editorial director, already ousted from LCI several months ago.

" READ ALSO Danièle Obono as a slave: Current Values sentenced on appeal, Geoffroy Lejeune acquitted

The sulphurous billionaire, who made his fortune in the arms industry, yet not particularly moderate, would not have appreciated the Zemmurian radicalization of the newspaper under the direction of the young boss, according to Liberation. "It was too extreme for him," a source close to Safa told the newspaper in October. "Safa wants the newspaper to support right-wing people without lining up behind anyone. He wants to defend ideas rather than people, "added yet another connoisseur of the situation of the weekly.