The Limited Times

The killer says where the knife is The lawyer renounces the mandate

6/5/2023, 7:01:12 PM

Highlights: Alessandro Impagnatiello, 30, is in prison in San Vittore for the murder of his partner Giulia Tramontano, seven months pregnant. "Giulia's family immediately feared this tragic epilogue," said the lawyer of the victim's parents. Video in which the barman is filmed with a sheet under his arm, or at dawn while loading two plastic bags into the car, one of which seems to contain clothes, will be used to reconstruct the last hours of the young woman's life.

Alessandro Impagnatiello said he did it all himself. The thirty-year-old is in prison in San Vittore for the murder of his partner Giulia Tramontano, seven months pregnant. "Giulia's family immediately feared this tragic epilogue," said the lawyer of the victim's parents. The movements of Impagnatiello after killing Giulia - THE VIDEO (ANSA)

Alessandro Impagnatiello, the barman who confessed to killing Giulia Tramontano, his girlfriend in the seventh month of pregnancy, stabbed on May 27 in their apartment in Senago, just outside Milan, was left without a lawyer.

The defender, Sebastiano Sartori, went to San Vittore, where the man has been since dawn on Thursday morning, to tell him about the resignation of the mandate.

"It was a matter between me and my client", said the defender when he arrived at the Prosecutor's Office in the afternoon to formalize his choice, suggesting that "the fiduciary relationship" with the 30-year-old has failed, "increasingly anguished" and now with a public defender appointed by the prosecutors with difficulty (more than one has pulled back). After confessing, Alessandro corrected the shot on some points of his reconstruction to which investigators and investigators are looking for feedback, starting from the images of the cameras collected between Senago and Milan. Video in which in the middle of the night and shortly after the crime, the barman is filmed with a sheet under his arm, or at dawn while loading two plastic bags into the car, one of which seems to contain clothes: according to the hypotheses the man was making the blood-stained clothes disappear and had already set off to hide the body of his partner of which, For four days, he staged the voluntary disappearance from home.

Murder Tramontano, the movements of Impagnatiello after killing Giulia

But Giulia's parents never believed in this disappearance: "right from the start they were suspicious - explained their lawyer Giovanni Cacciapuoti - by the fact that their daughter did not answer the phone and the cohabitant was vague".

From the beginning "they feared this tragic epilogue as it was difficult to think that their daughter expecting a child, despite the shipwreck of the romantic relationship, had moved away". That of Impagnatiello "was an imponderable gesture - he continued - If only they had suspected such an evolution they would have come here to take it". The lawyer highlighted that the family is "prostrate" and asks to be able to be "as serene as possible" to be able to "live and process the pain and mourning". "They will have to suffer for a long time - he added - to get to give a dignified burial to Giulia and her son".

The investigations coordinated by the prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo and the deputy Letizia Mannella and conducted by the investigative unit of the carabinieri and their colleagues in Rho have gone on in view of the unrepeatable investigations that will begin tomorrow with the scientific findings in the apartment where Giulia was murdered and her body, before being thrown into the brushwood, battered by the double attempt to burn it. There first of all the knife will be seized (the barman gave directions saying that it is in a log above the refrigerator) and all the necessary elements will be collected to reconstruct the timing of this horror film, including the part that concerns the concealment of the corpse and to prove that there was premeditation.

For this reason, in addition to the cleaning man of the building in Via Novella who found a trail of ash on the stairs, Giulia's sister and mother are also heard in order to reconstruct the last hours of the young woman's life, who, before being killed, met with the girl with whom Impagnatiello had a parallel relationship. It was a colleague of his who on the night of the tragedy he tried to see insistently. She, frightened and having realized that something had happened, avoided letting him into the house; "I was afraid," he said. "(...) I didn't know what happened to Giulia and what she was capable of" him. An autopsy is expected on Friday.

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