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Rammstein allegations continue to circulate: Lawyers of the band want to take action against individuals

6/9/2023, 10:13:11 PM

Highlights: Rammstein renounced the song "Pussy" on Thursday evening, it was removed from the program at short notice. Several women accuse lead singer Till Lindemann of sexual abuse and harassment. The band Rammstein denies the allegations, but said in a statement that they take them "extremely seriously" A petition is calling on the city of Munich to cancel the second concert in the Olympic Stadium on Thursday. On social media, demonstrators are once again calling for a "rally against Rammenstein and for complete clarification"

After the serious allegations against Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann, the 60-year-old deletes his Instagram profile. Now his lawyers are responding to the allegations.

  • Consequences for Rammstein: Business partners turn away.
  • Serious allegations against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann: Several women accuse the 60-year-old of sexualized violence and abuse of power.
  • Frontman draws the first consequences: Till Lindemann's Instagram account has since been deleted.
  • The band Rammstein denies the allegations, but said in a statement that they take them "extremely seriously". The presumption of innocence applies.

Update from June 9, 5:42 a.m.: Rammstein renounced the song "Pussy" on Thursday evening, it was removed from the program at short notice. The song says, among other things: "You've got a pussy, I have a dick. So what's the problem? Let's do it quick." The rockers apparently didn't want to sing these lines at the moment. Otherwise, they went through their show as usual, lead singer Till Lindemann rarely talks much between the songs anyway.

Rammstein allegations continue to circulate: Lawyers of the band want to take action against individuals

Update from June 8, 17:49 p.m.: The live performances in Munich's Olympic Stadium are overshadowed by serious allegations: Several women accuse lead singer Till Lindemann of sexual abuse and harassment. In a first statement, the band distanced itself from assaults of any kind, now Lindemann's lawyers are getting involved.

The allegations are "invariably untrue," according to a press release from the firm. They now want to take legal action against individuals. The reporting of many media is also being examined, as "inadmissible suspicious reporting has occurred".

Rammstein allegations continue to circulate: Rally and petition before next concert in Munich

Update from June 8, 14 p.m.: The second Rammstein concert in Munich is scheduled for Thursday in the Olympic Stadium. After the allegations against frontman Till Lindemann, things were already different at the first of the band's four appearances in Munich: There were no more concertgoers in the now infamous "Row Zero" – the security area in front of the stage. For this purpose, an awareness team should be on site. According to, KVR boss Hanna Sammüller-Gradl saw for herself on the first evening of the concert – also from the backstage area.

It remains to be seen whether the song "Pussy" will be missing on Thursday evening compared to the previous concerts of the tour. On social media, demonstrators are once again calling for a "rally against Rammstein and for complete clarification" in front of the Olympic Stadium. Now a petition is calling on the city of Munich to cancel the concert series.

Rammstein performed in Munich on Wednesday evening. © Gonzales Photo/Sebastian Dammark/Imago

Update from June 8, 12:17 p.m.: After the serious allegations against Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann by partly anonymous women, a Munich woman is now publishing a screenshot of an Instagram chat on Twitter. The alleged chat history is supposed to show how the 25-year-old was recruited for a Rammstein show, according to her own statements. As reports, the Munich native is a Twitch streamer and influencer on numerous social media, calls herself Jasmin and looks authentic, even if many details and the authenticity of the screenshot could not be verified. It is also unclear whether Jasmin was supposed to be a victim of the "Rammstein system" and whether the alleged Instagram chat partner was acting on behalf of Rammstein at all.


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Protests at Rammstein concert: Munich police take stock

Update from June 8, 11:36 a.m.: Before the first Rammstein concert in Munich, about 60 people demonstrated in front of the Olympic Stadium against the band's performance and against violence against women. Occasionally, Rammstein fans verbally attacked the protesters, as the reported. As other media reported unanimously, some contemptuous and mocking comments were made. The Munich police, on the other hand, could not confirm the statements against the demonstrators when asked by There were no special incidents. According to their own information, about 100 emergency personnel had been on site – a usual number.

The second Rammstein concert in Munich will take place on Thursday evening. Then thousands of fans will make the pilgrimage to the Olympic Stadium again.

Rammstein allegations: Song deleted from setlist

Update from June 8, 8:42 a.m.: At the first Germany concert in Munich, a song was removed from the Rammstein setlist, reports The band renounced the song "Pussy", and singer Till Lindemann had been spraying the audience with a foam cannon for years.

On Thursday (8 June), Saturday (10 June) and Sunday (11 June) three more Rammstein concerts are planned in the Olympic Hall in Munich. Officially, all performances are sold out, but several fans had returned their tickets.

Rammstein plays in front of sold-out Olympic Stadium in Munich after allegations

Update from June 8, 5:56 a.m.: The band Rammstein played the first of four planned concerts in Munich on Wednesday evening (June 8). During the encore, the musicians were carried through the audience on rubber dinghies, reports Bayerischer Rundfunk. The mood among the approximately 60,000 fans was good. The band did not respond to the allegations made against frontman Till Lindemann during their performance in front of tens of thousands of spectators.

As usual, singer Lindemann was taciturn between the songs. He said goodbye to the audience with the words: "Munich, thank you for being here. Thank you for being with us." Several women have made allegations against Lindemann in recent days – some of them anonymously.

Rammstein allegations: Lindemann puts a spanner in the works for fans

Update from June 7, 23 p.m.: Surprisingly, Rammstein threw a spanner in the works for some of their fans at the end of their first Munich concert. In order to express their solidarity with the band and Till Lindemann, they wanted to get down on their knees at a certain point. They had shared the call for this action via social media before the performance.

According to the agreement, they wanted to take advantage of a tradition of the band. Because Rammstein themselves usually get down on their knees in front of the fans at the end of their concerts and to the song "Ohne dich". Tonight, however, Till Lindemann and colleagues stopped instead, as t-online reported.

Full stadium: The controversial band Rammstein will perform on Wednesday evening in Munich at the Olympic Stadium. © Felix Hörhager/dpa

Rammstein concert in Berlin: City bans after-show parties - "Allegations weigh heavily"

Update from June 7, 18:25 p.m.: After the serious allegations against Rammstein frontman Lindemann, the consequences for the band continue to expand. Now the Senator of the Interior of Berlin, Iris Spranger, said via Twitter: "In Berlin, there will be no after-show parties of Rammstein in properties for which I am responsible. We have to wait for the investigation, but the allegations are so serious that the protection and safety of women have absolute priority." Three concerts of the band are planned for mid-July in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin.

At the four concerts in Munich, the first of which will take place on Wednesday evening, there will apparently be changes due to the allegations against Lindemann at the after-show parties. So far, the information on the plans for after-show parties of the four Munich concerts is different. However, there should apparently only be talk of one celebration instead of two. According to dpa information, there was usually a big party with fans and band after Rammstein concerts, as well as a smaller one with only Till Lindemann and a few women.

In Berlin, Interior Senator Spranger does not want to allow after-show parties of Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann in her properties. (archive image) © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/Imago

Rammstein allegations: Lindemann deletes Instagram profile – next partner separates from singer

Update from June 7, 17:03 p.m.: After Rossmann and the publishing house Kiepenheuer & Witsch have already ended their cooperation, the poker platform "GGPoker" is now also distancing itself from Till Lindemann. "We have been deeply shocked and shocked by the developments of the past few days. The collaboration with Till Lindemann was entered into at the beginning of the year under an artistic aspect for a limited campaign period, which has now expired and will not be extended," the advertising partner said in a statement available to the trade journal Horizont.

Speaking to Bild, managing director Sven Stiel said, among other things: "The allegations are terrible and completely intolerable. Our full solidarity goes out to all the victims." Just last April, a major campaign with the 60-year-old Rammstein frontman was launched.

No merch at Rammstein concerts in Munich

Update from June 7, 15:40 p.m.: Rammstein fans who wanted to equip themselves with the latest accessories from their band will probably be left empty-handed in Munich. As the official Instagram page "RammsteinShop" announced in a post, there will be no pop-up store with merchandise at all four concerts in the Bavarian capital for "production reasons". In the comments, many fans are disappointed, while others doubt the reason given. "Now I don't think it's for production reasons, rather other reasons, unfortunately," writes one user.

Supporters of the rock band, meanwhile, are planning a solidarity action, according to a fan group on Facebook. Accordingly, they want to get down on their knees at the end of the concert in Munich on June 7th.

Update from June 7, 13:10 p.m.: The topic around Rammstein and lead singer Lindemann attracts media attention. The Youtuber Rezo, who became known to the masses in 2021 for his "CDU destruction video", among other things, has now reacted to the allegations against the band and their lead singer. In his 27-minute YouTube video, he discusses, among other things, the background and research of the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the NDR. In addition, he gives the rough experience report of Youtube colleague Kayla Shyx, who attended a Rammstein concert in 2022.

Youtuber äußert sich zu Rammstein-Vorwürfen – „absolut verachtenswert“

Rezo fasst die Vorwürfe wie folgt zusammen: „Frauen werden zu normalen Partys eingeladen. Es werden dann Situationen geschaffen, aus denen man nicht so leicht wieder herauskommt. Es wird plötzlich gefordert, dass es zu sexuellen Handlungen kommen soll und teilweise sind die Frauen unter irgendwelchen Substanzen, sodass sie sich nicht mehr wehren können oder sogar bewusstlos sind.“

Würden solche Situationen bewusst und gezielt erzeugt werden, dann sei dies „absolut verachtenswert.“ Der 30-Jährige stellt auch klar: Es handelt sich hier um bloße Anschuldigungen. Die Geschichten hätten sich allerdings inzwischen in mehreren Erfahrungsberichten von Frauen gedeckt. Ihn selbst hätten auch Nachrichten von mutmaßlich Betroffenen erreicht. „Wie willst du solche ‚Übergriffe‘ beweisen? Das ist fast unmöglich“, so Rezo weiter.

After Till Lindemann's Instagram profile has since been deleted, no more posts can be viewed by keyboardist Christian Lorenz alias Flake.

Rammstein case continues to escalate: Till Lindemann draws first consequences

Update from June 7, 10:40 a.m.: Due to the serious allegations of sexualized violence and abuse of power against Till Lindemann, the Rammstein singer is apparently drawing consequences on social media. The 60-year-old's Instagram profile has been deleted. Around 1.3 million people recently followed him there. On the band's YouTube channel, the comment function has also been deactivated.

Since the end of May, Rammstein has been on a big stadium tour in Europe. There are four concerts on the schedule in Munich, the first of which will take place on 7 June. According to a spokesman for the organizer, a "row zero", the controversial area directly in front of the stage, will not be set up in Munich. Afterparties would also be cancelled.

Serious allegations against Till Lindemann: Rammstein probably separates from controversial "casting director"

Update from June 6, 17:57 p.m.: The so-called "casting director" of the band Rammstein, Alena Makeeva, has apparently been relieved of her duties. According to consistent media reports from Welt and Bild, the Russian was banned by the management of the musicians with immediate effect from attending their concerts. Whether or not this personnel decision is in any way related to the recent allegations against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann is currently still open. Some women had also made serious accusations against Makeeva. The band denies the allegations. The presumption of innocence applies.

According to Der Spiegel, Makeeva had been working in Rammstein's environment for almost four years. However, she was not paid by the band and called herself a "casting director".

Band Rammstein hires lawyer after Lindemann allegations

Update from June 6, 16:51 p.m.: According to dpa information, the band Rammstein has turned on a law firm after the start of the current tour in Vilnius (Lithuania). The band wants to investigate the allegations in connection with the handling of their singer Till Lindemann (60) with women themselves. The aim is therefore to clarify the situation. This involves, for example, the use of drugs without the knowledge of those involved in the context of the concert.

Several women have made allegations against Rammstein frontman Lindemann in recent days, some of them anonymously. The women describe situations that they sometimes found frightening. Young women were selected during concerts and asked if they wanted to come to the after-show party. According to some women, sexual acts are also said to have occurred.

Four Rammstein concerts are planned in Munich from Wednesday. Some changes have already been announced there: For example, there will be no so-called row zero in Munich and no after-show parties. In addition, the management has announced an awareness concept, details of which are not yet available.

Serious allegations against Rammstein singer Lindemann – Minister intervenes

First reported on June 6, 14:32 p.m.: Munich/Berlin – The accusations are harsh: female fans who are recruited for sex, abuse of women in the environment of Rammstein concerts. In the wake of the accusations against Till Lindemann, frontman of the band, Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus (Greens) has now also intervened. She calls for more protection for women at concerts and "quick and concrete" measures, such as special areas of protection and the deployment of awareness teams.

Family Minister Lisa Paus has spoken out after the allegations against Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann and calls for more safety for women at concerts. (Symbolic image) © dpa/Kollage

The allegations against 60-year-old Till Lindemann, singer of the rock band Rammstein, weigh heavily. From a legal point of view, the presumption of innocence still applies. And Rammstein as a band denies the allegations. But the multitude of accusations and reports is overwhelming. Most recently, in a 37-minute long, oppressive video, a YouTuber described what she and other girls experienced at Rammstein afterparties. For many, the question arises more and more whether one should still attend Rammstein shows at all.

Now the Lindemann case has even been taken up by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Lisa Paus. Protective measures must be discussed "quickly and concretely," she told the AFP news agency on Monday.

Young people in particular need to be better protected from attacks.

Lisa Paus, Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

Paus calls for better protection of women at concerts after Rammstein scandal

Paus called for changes in concert operations, such as areas of protection for women at concerts and the establishment of special awareness teams that are available as contact persons in the event of suspected sexual assault: "Young people in particular must be better protected from assaults here."

A serious debate about the responsibility of artists and promoters towards their fans makes sense.

Lisa Paus, Federal Minister for Family Affairs

Rammstein scandal: Minister wants to hold artists accountable with "alliance against sexism"

The Federal Minister for Family Affairs stressed to AFP: "A serious debate about the responsibility of artists and promoters towards their fans makes sense." Paus invited the music industry to join the "Alliance Against Sexism," which, she explained, "opposes all forms of sexism and sexual harassment."

Paus calls for abolition of groupie recruitment system "Row Zero" after Rammstein allegations

The 54-year-old strongly called for the abolition of the so-called "Row Zero" system. In Munich, on the occasion of the latest Rammstein allegations, three city council factions joined this demand. They submitted a motion to increase safety for concertgoers. Among other things, the application provides for an examination of whether "Row Zero" can be banned in the future for security reasons.

  • What is the "Row Zero"?
  • The term "Row Zero" is actually the area directly in front of the stage where the photographers who take photos during the first songs usually stay.
  • However, the term refers to a specific area for which certain young women are selected to be at the front of a concert, right in front of the stage.
  • According to reports from various women, it is not the musicians who choose the fans for the "Row Zero" at concerts of the band Rammstein. The girls are recruited weeks in advance by a casting director via various social media channels.
  • Critics warn that women could be recruited for sexual acts from "Row Zero", eyewitness accounts of female concertgoers seem to confirm this assumption.

That should no longer be necessary. As reported by the Süddeutsche Zeitung, among others, the organizer, Propeller Music & Event GmbH, has probably decided after consultations at the weekend that there will be neither a "Row Zero" nor afterparties at the concerts in Munich. In doing so, the company anticipated potential regulatory requirements.

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